اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ , الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ
, الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ , مَالِكِ يَوْمِ الدِّينِ , إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ
وَإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ , اهْدِنَا الصِّرَاطَ المُسْتَقِيمَ , صِرَاطَ
الَّذِينَ أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ , غَيْرِ المَغْضُوبِ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلاَ
Assalamualaikum w.b.t/السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه
Munafik dan kafir laknatullah sebenarnya pemberontak dan pengganas.
100 mobil kecelakaan beruntun, puluhan orang terluka (*cedera).
Jumat, 6 September 2013 06:28 WIB.
London (ANTARA
News) - Puluhan orang terluka, beberapa di antaranya dalam keadaan
parah, ketika lebih dari 100 mobil (*kenderaan) saling bertubrukan (*berempuhan) di sebuah jembatan
di timur kota London dalam cuaca berkabut (*berkabus), Kamis pagi (*pagi Khamis).
Mobil-mobil yang penyok (*remuk) berserakan (*bertaburan) di sepanjang Sheppey Crossing, karena (kerana) kendaraan itu saling menubruk (*merempuh) satu dengan yang lain (*satu sama lain) pada pagi hari sekitar pukul 07.20 waktu setempat (*waktu tempatan).
"Kami cuma bisa mendengar suara gesekan (*geselan), dan dentuman mobil-mobil dan kereta-kereta yang saling bertubrukan," kata seorang pengemudi (*pemandu), Martin Stammers kepada BBC.
Petugas pemadam kebakaran (*Bomba) mengeluarkan enam orang dari kendaraan mereka dan 35 orang korban (*terbunuh) dikirim ke rumah sakit (*dihantar ke hospital), termasuk delapan (*lapan) orang yang mengalami luka parah (*cedera parah).
Para saksi mata (*saksi kejadian) mengatakan, terdapat kabut (*kabus) yang sangat tebal di perempatan, suatu jalan jembatan yang menghubungkan Pulau Sheppey di muara sungai Thames ke daratan utama, sekitar 80 kilometer sebelah timur London.
Polisi mengatakan (*Polis menyatakan) masih menyelidiki (*menyiasat) penyebab kecelaaan tersebut.
Mobil-mobil yang penyok (*remuk) berserakan (*bertaburan) di sepanjang Sheppey Crossing, karena (kerana) kendaraan itu saling menubruk (*merempuh) satu dengan yang lain (*satu sama lain) pada pagi hari sekitar pukul 07.20 waktu setempat (*waktu tempatan).
"Kami cuma bisa mendengar suara gesekan (*geselan), dan dentuman mobil-mobil dan kereta-kereta yang saling bertubrukan," kata seorang pengemudi (*pemandu), Martin Stammers kepada BBC.
Petugas pemadam kebakaran (*Bomba) mengeluarkan enam orang dari kendaraan mereka dan 35 orang korban (*terbunuh) dikirim ke rumah sakit (*dihantar ke hospital), termasuk delapan (*lapan) orang yang mengalami luka parah (*cedera parah).
Para saksi mata (*saksi kejadian) mengatakan, terdapat kabut (*kabus) yang sangat tebal di perempatan, suatu jalan jembatan yang menghubungkan Pulau Sheppey di muara sungai Thames ke daratan utama, sekitar 80 kilometer sebelah timur London.
Polisi mengatakan (*Polis menyatakan) masih menyelidiki (*menyiasat) penyebab kecelaaan tersebut.
Editor: Desy Saputra
Ikuti berita terkini di handphone anda di m.antaranews.com
The toll booths at the Dartford Crossing were cleared of vehicles.
The cylindrical device, with wires, was found on a
Dover-bound coach after a man got off just after it had gone through the
toll booths on Friday.
The 27-year-old foreign national raised suspicions after he ran from the scene to a rough area nearby. He was detained by security personnel at a nearby distribution depot. The suspect was arrested at 16:15 BST on suspicion of making a bomb hoax. Kent Police said the man made threats about a device on the coach.
Sumber: (uk-england).
7 September 2013 Last updated at 06:19 GMT
Drivers were stuck for more than seven hours in nine-mile
tailbacks after a pedestrian, who was spotted behaving strangely, was
The Queen Elizabeth II Bridge and both tunnels were shut when Kent Police said officers found a suspicious item.
But after Army bomb disposal teams investigated, they said the item posed no threat and reopened all routes.
'Man was shouting' The A20 was also closed in Dover as officers stopped a coach as part of their inquiries into the Dartford Crossing incident.
The coach was removed from the scene, police said, and the road was later reopened. No further arrests were made.
Motorists stuck in queues on the crossing said an Army bomb disposal vehicle, ambulances and emergency service vehicles attended the scene.
Graeme Brouder, 36, from Twickenham in south-west London, said: "I was coming off the other side of the bridge towards the tolls at about 16:30 BST on Friday.
"I was about five cars from the barrier and I saw a guy out of the corner of my eye come running along the side of my car, he ran to the barriers.
"He came back towards the cars, he went across into the lane next to me, tried to get in the car next to me, he was shouting something - I had my windows up so I couldn't hear him.
"He was shouting at that car, tried to get in that car, ran past mine, tried my door handle, and then ran down the lane behind me and he was just shouting at everyone. "He was running around, he was trying to get in everybody's cars."
Trapped vehicles Traffic trapped on the bridge was eventually released and diverted back into Essex, while some trapped vehicles were released from the tunnels on Friday night.
The toll booths were also cleared of traffic.
Tailbacks stretched through Kent, on the anti-clockwise M25, and in Essex, on the clockwise stretch.
In London, there were severe delays in East Ham, Beckton, Bow, Woolwich, at the Blackwall Tunnel and all approaches to the M25.
The A11, A12 and A13 also experienced heavy traffic.
The A282 Dartford to Thurrock crossing over the River Thames, which consists of the Queen Elizabeth II Bridge and two tunnels, is used by 140,000 vehicles a day.
Traffic heading south into Kent uses the bridge, while northbound vehicles travelling to Essex use the tunnels, with the M25 linking up either side.
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Sumber: (www.bbc.co.uk).
The M25 Dartford Crossing
between Kent and Essex was closed for more than seven hours after a
suspect bomb was found on a coach, police have said.
The 27-year-old foreign national raised suspicions after he ran from the scene to a rough area nearby. He was detained by security personnel at a nearby distribution depot. The suspect was arrested at 16:15 BST on suspicion of making a bomb hoax. Kent Police said the man made threats about a device on the coach.
Sumber: (uk-england).
7 September 2013 Last updated at 06:19 GMT
Dartford Crossing closure: Man held after M25 traffic chaos. Motorist Mike Partridge describes how he bought an ice-cream and chatted to other stranded travellers
A man has been arrested after the M25 Dartford Crossing between Kent and Essex was closed in a security alert.
The Queen Elizabeth II Bridge and both tunnels were shut when Kent Police said officers found a suspicious item.
But after Army bomb disposal teams investigated, they said the item posed no threat and reopened all routes.
'Man was shouting' The A20 was also closed in Dover as officers stopped a coach as part of their inquiries into the Dartford Crossing incident.
The coach was removed from the scene, police said, and the road was later reopened. No further arrests were made.
Motorists stuck in queues on the crossing said an Army bomb disposal vehicle, ambulances and emergency service vehicles attended the scene.
Graeme Brouder, 36, from Twickenham in south-west London, said: "I was coming off the other side of the bridge towards the tolls at about 16:30 BST on Friday.
"I was about five cars from the barrier and I saw a guy out of the corner of my eye come running along the side of my car, he ran to the barriers.
"He came back towards the cars, he went across into the lane next to me, tried to get in the car next to me, he was shouting something - I had my windows up so I couldn't hear him.
"He was shouting at that car, tried to get in that car, ran past mine, tried my door handle, and then ran down the lane behind me and he was just shouting at everyone. "He was running around, he was trying to get in everybody's cars."
Trapped vehicles Traffic trapped on the bridge was eventually released and diverted back into Essex, while some trapped vehicles were released from the tunnels on Friday night.
The toll booths were also cleared of traffic.
Tailbacks stretched through Kent, on the anti-clockwise M25, and in Essex, on the clockwise stretch.
In London, there were severe delays in East Ham, Beckton, Bow, Woolwich, at the Blackwall Tunnel and all approaches to the M25.
The A11, A12 and A13 also experienced heavy traffic.
The A282 Dartford to Thurrock crossing over the River Thames, which consists of the Queen Elizabeth II Bridge and two tunnels, is used by 140,000 vehicles a day.
Traffic heading south into Kent uses the bridge, while northbound vehicles travelling to Essex use the tunnels, with the M25 linking up either side.
Were you stuck in traffic in the area? Let us know how long you were delayed. You can send your comments using the form below.
Read the terms and conditions
Sumber: (www.bbc.co.uk).
Firman Allah S.W.T., yang bermaksud: Wahai orang yang beriman! Janganlah kamu mengambil orang yang bukan daripada kalangan kamu (seperti Yahudi, Nasrani, dan Munafiq) menjadi teman karib (yang dipercayai). Mereka tidak akan berhenti berusaha mendatangkan kesusahan kepada kamu. Mereka sukakan apa yang menyusahkan kamu. Telah pun nyata (tanda) kebencian mereka pada pertuturan mulut mereka, dan apa yang tersembunyi oleh hati mereka lebih besar lagi. Sesungguhnya Kami telah jelaskan kepada kamu ayat ayat (Kami), jika kamu memahaminya (memikirkannya).” - [Al Quran Surah Al Imran ayat 118-120] .
Baca Juga:
Allah S.W.T., yang bermaksud: “Perkataan yang baik dan pemberian maaf,
lebih baik dari sedekah yang diiringi dengan sesuatu yang menyakitkan
(perasaan penerima). Allah Maha Kaya lagi Maha Penyantun.” (Al Baqarah:
Tiada ada daya dan kekuatan kecuali dengan pertolongan Allah.
Allah S.W.T., yang bermaksud: “Mereka yang berjuang di jalan Kami
nescaya Kami tunjukkan jalan-jalan Kami. Sesungguhnya Allah berserta
orang yang berbuat baik.” (Al Ankabut: 69).
"Sesungguhnya hanyalah kepada Allah aku mengadukan kesusahan dan kesedihanku." (QS. Yusuf: 86).
Semasa hidup sederhanakanlah kegembiraan. Supaya wujud keseimbangan jiwa dan roh, bila menerima kesedihan yang pasti ditemui juga. Mengingatkan diri sendiri menjadi keutamaaan sebelum mengingatkan orang lain . In Syaa Allah ''palis'' sekali dari sifat-sifat sombong dan keji. Semuanya kerana Allah S.W.T.. Amin Ya Rob. (Peceq Admin).
"Sesungguhnya hanyalah kepada Allah aku mengadukan kesusahan dan kesedihanku." (QS. Yusuf: 86).
Semasa hidup sederhanakanlah kegembiraan. Supaya wujud keseimbangan jiwa dan roh, bila menerima kesedihan yang pasti ditemui juga. Mengingatkan diri sendiri menjadi keutamaaan sebelum mengingatkan orang lain . In Syaa Allah ''palis'' sekali dari sifat-sifat sombong dan keji. Semuanya kerana Allah S.W.T.. Amin Ya Rob. (Peceq Admin).
Pemaparan tajuk-tajuk, gambar-gambar dan segala bagai, adalah pandangan
dan pendapat peribadi yang lebih menjurus kepada sikap dan sifat untuk
menjadi lebih baik dengan mengamalkan gaya hidup menurut perentah dan
larangan Allah S.W.T., antaranya bersikap dengan tiada prasangka, tidak
bertujuan untuk kebencian, tidak berkeperluan untuk bersubahat dengan
perkara bohong dan tiada kaitan dan berkepentingan dengan mana-mana
individu. Jujur., aku hanyalah hamba Allah S.W.T., yang hina dina.
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