بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ , الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ , الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ , مَالِكِ يَوْمِ الدِّينِ , إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ , اهْدِنَا الصِّرَاطَ المُسْتَقِيمَ , صِرَاطَ الَّذِينَ أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ , غَيْرِ المَغْضُوبِ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلاَ الضَّالِّينَ.
Assalamualaikum w.b.t/السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه
Inilah realiti satu dunia perhatikan Malaysia...
Inilah realiti satu dunia perhatikan Malaysia...
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Senyuman lelaki yang syahid di jalan Allah...
Senyuman lelaki yang syahid di jalan Allah...
Simulator dipasang semula di Bukit Aman #SHSemasa
Alhamdulillah, contoh seorang ustaz yang berani...
Seorang yang ada jawatan...
Duduk dalam jabatan mufti Johor..
Seorang yang ada jawatan...
Duduk dalam jabatan mufti Johor..
Yang masih duk dalam jabatan...diugut dengan berbagai2... yg masih takut2 nanti kena pindah jabatan ler... nanti kena pindah tempat ler...n anti orang pulau kan ler.. x payah takut dengan bayang2 sendiri... ayuh nyatakan kebenaran...
Nyatakan kebenaran memang pahit... teruskan berjuang sahabat-sahabat yang berada dalam jabatan yang rasa dirinya tergugat selama ini dalam jabatan... contohilah ustaz Mohd Fairuz Ali Akhbar
Biasalah.. nak jaga periuk nasi masing2...
Biasalah.. nak jaga periuk nasi masing2...
Mendengar bacaan imam-imam Masjidil Haram dalam solat menjadikan jiwa kita sayu dan sangat tersentuh dengan inti kandungan al-Quran. Ruh kita bagai disiram kekusyukan dan kesyahduan yang indah yang tidak dapat digambarkan oleh perkataan. Demikianlah setiap kali bersolat di masjid yang mulia ini. Subuh tadi terasa indah dan syahdu sekali ayat yang dibaca. Maknanya menusuk jiwa. Moga Allah merahmati imam-imam ini. Bagaimanakah boleh ada puak di Malaysia yang sanggup menuduh mereka kafir dan sesat?!
Sepatutnya semua pasukan keselamatan bkn hanya berani diperbatasan tp berani juga menentang kezaliman dan ketidakadilan dlm negara, berani kerana Allah dan RasulNya..
Alfatihah..kemalangan jalanraya...meninggalkan kita semua dan anakanda yg masih kecil..akhawat yg aktif semnjak kampus
[KANTOI..] Sekali lagi page pro-BN Friends of BN - Barisan Nasional yg nak mengampu KERAjaan UMNO/BN telah memberi fakta yg KELIRU LAGI BOHONG kpd rakyat mengenai operasi SAR pd video ini.. Mak bapak kami tak pernah ajar kami untuk BERBOHONG.
KENAPA NAK PADAMKAN (blur) logo di sebelah kanan bawah???
Video & data sebenar boleh check di sini:
Dimuat naik pada 9 Dis 2010
Prism Defence (www.prismdefence.com) specialise in Ship Helicopter Integration, and provides a wide range of services within this realm.
In particular, Prism are responsible for the development of Ship Helicopter Operating Limits. This involves safely taking the helicopter to the edge of the envelope; that is, the point at which more extreme conditions would make the aircraft unsafe to fly.
The limits are based on a combination of environmental factors and ship motion. Operating helicopters onboard ships is extremely complex, due in part to the difficulty of landing a helicopter on a moving platform, but also due to numerous practical engineering issues.
This video shows a landing conducted by a Prism Defence Test Pilot and Flight Test Engineer during development of Ship Helicopter Operating Limits for the Lynx Mark 90B helicopter onboard the KNUD RASMUSSEN class Offshore Patrol Vessel.
For more information please visit www.prismdefence.com.
In particular, Prism are responsible for the development of Ship Helicopter Operating Limits. This involves safely taking the helicopter to the edge of the envelope; that is, the point at which more extreme conditions would make the aircraft unsafe to fly.
The limits are based on a combination of environmental factors and ship motion. Operating helicopters onboard ships is extremely complex, due in part to the difficulty of landing a helicopter on a moving platform, but also due to numerous practical engineering issues.
This video shows a landing conducted by a Prism Defence Test Pilot and Flight Test Engineer during development of Ship Helicopter Operating Limits for the Lynx Mark 90B helicopter onboard the KNUD RASMUSSEN class Offshore Patrol Vessel.
For more information please visit www.prismdefence.com.
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Prism Defence is a world-leader in ship helicopter integration.
Defining the Limits. Helicopters operate to ships in the most demanding of environmental conditions. Accurately-defined operating limits, with suitable safety margins, are essential for giving operators the confidence to operate to the limits when it's needed most. Whether it is a small or large ship helicopter interface trial, consultancy, or full program management, Prism Defence has the skills to safely and accurately define the limits.
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Pertaruh Nyawa - Bahaya Landing Helicopter Di Atas kapal Di tengah Lautan. Sebelum melekehkan operasi SAR oleh pihak berkuasa, lihatlah video ini dulu. |
NAJIB!! HISHAMMUDDIN!!!... kan dah kena sound, nak letak celah mana muka tu weiiii.. Sedarlah diri satu dunia perhatikan gelagat 'BODOH SOMBONG'kamu....
Sendiri (UMNO/BN) nasihat rakyat jgn libatkan kes MH370 dgn politik, TAPI KAMU SENDIRI BUAT XPER.. SERUPA PERANGAI 'DAH LUDAH JILAT BALIK'
...Lihat seterusnya..
Di waktu seluruh Malaysia, malah seluruh dunia sedang sedih, risau dan berdoakan pesawat MH370, Jibby dan Kak Mah sedang sibuk shopping di Pavilion.. jangan salah faham, diorg tengah cari pesawat MH370 kat Pavilion tu...
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