Rabu, 1 April 2020

Tak perlu kita nak bawa corak kehidupan lalu yang kononnya lebih baik dari hari ini. Itu semua illusi. 10078

Ambil contoh Jepun hari ini dalam berdepan dengan Covid-19. Kehidupan mereka bergerak macam biasa tanpa Lockdown pun. Puncanya keperibadian mereka dalam mengamal pematuhan cara-cara kehidupan, hormat menghormati dan penjagaan kebersihan. 
Malaysia tandas awam - kadang hancing sebab orang yang mengguna sebelumnya tidak pernah terfikir, untuk bagi orang yang berikut selesa menggunakan kemudahan tersebut. Sedangkan hal itu adalah IBADAH menurut ISLAM. Bila dibagi contoh bagus, laju cari kelemahan contoh bagus tuu, sebab fikir dia lagi bagus dari orang lain? 
Why Japan is normal when the entire world is shutdown?...

I am continously thinking when Japan was the first country to be impacted by Corona from China because of the luxury ship Diamond Princess from China in January by now it would have gone to stage 4 like European countries. When Japan was hit with the Virus, My parents asked me to come back to India for few months and go back once it settles.

But in Japan everything is normal till today. We were going to offices daily, we are going to all essential services. No restaurants are closed. No malls are closed. No lockdown. Metro trains moving normally. Bullet trains moving normally. All International borders are open. Also Japan has the high percentage of old people like Italy.

Tokyo has highest number of foreigners living. Tokyo is one of the best tourist attraction with lot of foreigners. Foreigners are still allowed inside. Only services stopped are schools and public events. Am listening to all theories of breaking the chain.

Lockdown kills the chain process for the dense country like India. Tokyo is the most dense city in the world and how is it controlled. We are leading just the normal life as usual. Am Only scared when i see updates and news from India.

I analyzed about it and probably it is because of the culture of Japanese people where the rules suggested to prevent Corona virus were practiced by them from childhood.

Japan's nuclear reactors face new near-total shutdown | Financial ...

1. Japanese people wear masks when they travel or come out. Usually we see 60% wearing masks daily on normal days. Even they catch very little cold they wear masks. This was their culture which helped in stopping the spread and cuts the chain.

Normally any public facing person like receptionist, govt officers, doctors, nurses,station masters, train staff,police, janitors, etc wear masks daily at work. During winter we make children to wear a mask Daily so that they dont bother others when they catch cold. At home we have kodomo mask box and normal mask box. Kodomo mask is for children which fits them properly.

2. Japanese people lead a life where they dont bother others. They dont litter anything. They use dustbins only to litter or spit. Cleanliness is the part of their culture. They were taught how to be clean and public behaviour before learning alphabets in schools.

3. They dont do handshake but bow to greet.

4. Here washing hands is a part of culture. We have soaps and sanitizers in public toilets , office entrances and usually in every public space. Using sanitizers is pretty common which prevented spread of virus. I never used the sanitizers but from past 2 months am following the usage of sanitizers before entering office, using an elevator, the moment i see sanitizer try using it.

5. In restrooms i noticed that people wash their hands and also clean and wipe the sink area too to make it comfortable for the next person to use it. This is a usual practice in public metro stations too.

6. They carry wet tissue packets to clean their hands occasionally when they go out.

7. They usually maintain social distance with all.

This helped Japan to prevent lockdown. This needs a lot of Sadhana. These rules were part of Japanese culture which they practice with perfection. Something to learn from Japan. - Mohd Abdullah

Malaysia di Tahun 1970
Hasrizal, Saifulislam.Com - 1 hour ago
Bagi kita yang sudah agak berumur, mungkin kita boleh memahami apabila ada yang mengatakan Malaysia pada tahun 1970an itu lebih baik. Ia bergantung kepada apa yang kita masing-masing resahkan pada masa ini. Jika yang kita resahkan pada masa ini adalah masalah kemiskinan, maka mungkin kehidupan hari ini lebih baik. Kemiskinan di suatu ketika amat mencengkam …

Ini 5 Hal yang Perlu Dilakukan di Bulan Sya’ban
Eneng Susanti, Islampos - 1 hour ago
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Tanggapan terhadap Orang-orang yang Membandel dan “Keras kepala”
Saad Saefullah, Islampos - 2 hours ago
Tindakan bandel dan keras kepala mereka ini telah memperburuk keadaan dengan mempercepat penyebaran virus corona ke seluruh daerah dan Indonesia. The post Tanggapan terhadap Orang-orang yang Membandel dan “Keras kepala” appeared first on Islampos.
Kekuatan Sholat Malam
Saad Saefullah, Islampos - 2 hours ago
Jika kita memilsiki banyak impian, kejarlah impian kita dengan mendirikan Sholat Tahajud dengan diiringi berdoa ⅓ malamnya. The post Kekuatan Sholat Malam appeared first on Islampos.

Nahimunkar.org, Nahimunkar - 18 minutes ago
Wabah Penyakit dan Penyebabnya Menurut Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘Alaihi Wa Sallam Rasulullah shallallahu alaihi wa sallam sudah mengingatkan tentang akan terjadinya wabah penyakit berikut sebabnya. Sahabat Abdullah bin Umar radhiyallah anhuma menyampaikan sabda Rasulullah, لَمْ تَظْهَرِ الْفَاحِشَةُ فِي قَوْمٍ قَطُّ حَتَّى يُعْلِنُوا بِهَا إِلَّا فَشَا فِيهِمْ الطَّاعُونُ وَالْأَوْجَاعُ الَّتِي لَمْ تَكُنْ مَضَتْ فِي أَسْلَافِهِمْ الَّذِينَ مَضَوْا... Read More Belum ada yang terkait

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  6. Surat Al An'am (Binatang Ternak)
  7. Surat Al A'raf  (Tempat Tertinggi)
  8. Surat Al Anfal (Rampasan Perang)
  9. Surat At Taubah (Pengampunan)
  10. Surat Yunus (Nabi Yunus A.S.)
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  14. Surat Ibrahim (Nabi Ibrahim A.S.)
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  47. Surat Muhammad (Nabi Muhammad SAW)
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  54. Surat Al Qamar (Bulan)
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  58. Surat Al Mujadilah (Wanita Yang Mengajukan Gugatan)
  59. Surat Al Hasyr (Pengusiran)
  60. Surat Al Mumtahanah (Wanita Yang Diuji)
  61. Surat Ash Shaff (Barisan)
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  63. Surat Al-Munafiqun (Orang-Orang Munafik)
  64. Surat At Taghabun (Hari Ditampakkan Kesalahan-Kesalahan)
  65. Surat Ath Thalaaq (Talak)
  66. Surat At Tahrim (Mengharamkan)
  67. Surat Al Mulk (Kerajaan)
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  72. Surat Al Jin (Jin)
  73. Surat Al Muzzammil (Orang Yang Berselimut)
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  75. Surat Al Qiyamah (Hari Kiamat)
  76. Surat Al Insaan (Manusia)
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  79. Surat An Naazi´ (Malaikat-Malaikat Yang Mencabut)
  80. Surat 'Abasa (Bermuka Masam)
  81. Surat At Takwir (Menggulung)
  82. Surat Al Infithar (Terbelah)
  83. Surat Al Muthaffifiin (Orang-Orang Yang Curang)
  84. Surat Al Insyiqaaq (Terbelah)
  85. Surat Al Buruuj (Gugusan Bintang)
  86. Surat Ath Thaariq (Yang Datang Di Malam Hari)
  87. Surat Al A´Laa (Yang Paling Tinggi)
  88. Surat Al Ghaasyiyah (Hari Kiamat)
  89. Surat Al Fajr (Fajar)
  90. Surat Al Balad (Negeri)
  91. Surat Asy Syams (Matahari)
  92. Surat Al Lail (Malam)
  93. Surat Adh Dhuhaa (Waktu Dhuha)
  94. Surat Alam Nasyrah /Al Insyirah (Bukankah Kami Telah Melapangkan)
  95. Surat At Tiin (Buah Tin)
  96. Surat Al 'Alaq (Segumpal Darah)
  97. Surat Al Qadr (Kemuliaan)
  98. Surat Al Bayyinah (Bukti Yang Nyata)
  99. Surat Al Zalzalah (Goncangan)
  100. Surat Al 'Adiyat (Kuda Perang Yang Berlari Kencang)
  101. Surat Al Qari'ah (Hari Kiamat)
  102. Surat At Takatsur (Bermegah-Megahan)
  103. Surat Al 'Ashr (Masa)
  104. Surat Al Humazah (Pengumpat)
  105. Surat Al Fiil (Gajah)
  106. Surat Quraisy (Suku Quraisy)
  107. Surat Al Ma'un (Barang-Barang Yang Berguna)
  108. Surat Al Kautsar (Nikmat Yang Banyak)
  109. Surat Al Kafirun (Orang-Orang Kafir)
  110. Surat An Nashr (Pertolongan)
  111. Surat Al Lahab (Gejolak Api)
  112. Surat Al Ikhlas (Memurnikan Keesaan Allah)
  113. Surat Al Falaq (Waktu Subuh)
  114. Surat An Naas (Manusia)

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