Pilihan Raya Umum Malaysia ke 14. Menurut pendapat dan pandangan TWP:
- Mengguna pakai dasar sogokan wang tunai kepada pengundi agar mengudi BN.
- Lulus undang-undang baru Akta Berita Palsu dan menggunakannya untuk menyekat media lawan yang tidak menyokongnya serta mengancam penangkapan pemimpin pembangkang.
Antara yang menyiasat rasuah Najib adalah Jabatan Keadilan A.S., yang mendakwa bahawa perdana menteri dan sekutu dekatnya telah mengalihkan $4.5 bilion daripada dana pelaburan kerajaan. Hakim berusaha untuk merampas $1.7 bilion aset yang berkaitan dengan penipuan dan mendakwa bahawa $730 juta dana telah disimpan dalam akaun bank yang dikendalikan oleh Najib. Perdana menteri menafikan salah laku tersebut dan pembunuhan (Timbalan Ketua Bahagian Bicara dan Rayuan Jabatan Peguam Negara, Anthony Kevin Morais) yang sedang menyiasat dakwaan tersebut.
Propaganda BN terhadap PH?
Tidak berpuas hati dan untuk mewujudkan kekangan kepada pihak lawan, walau pun telah melakukan persempadankan semula yang menurut satu perhitungan, boleh membenarkan parti pemerintah untuk memenangi majoriti parlimen dengan hanya 16 persen undi, pemerintah telah mengekang pembangkang dengan teknik kotor.
Najib akan melakukan lebih daripada memberi ganjaran kepada taktik hodohnya untuk beroleh kemenangan. Ia mungkin akan meningkatkan polarisasi dalaman Malaysia: Perdana Menteri mengabadikan kebangsaan Melayu dengan slogan xenophobic dan serangan terhadap orang Kristian dan etnik Cina.
Ia akan mendorong Malaysia lebih dekat dengan China, yang dengan senang hati menerima toleransi autoritarian Najib dan mengambil kesempatan daripada penarikan Trump dari perjanjian perdagangan trans-Pasifik, yang akan mengikat Amerika Syarikat lebih dekat ke Malaysia.
Diterjemah dari naskah asal:
The Post's View
Malaysia’s leader is eyeing arigged reelection. Trump will probably congratulate him.
MALAYSIAN PRIME MINISTER Najib Razak has some problems that might seem familiar to some in Washington. He gained office despite losing the popular vote. He has been unable to shake investigations on corruption charges despite firing a top law-enforcement official. His party has splintered over his leadership. Now, on May 9, he must face voters again.
Mr. Najib’s solution? Launch a campaign under the slogan “Make my country great.” Redraw election districts so they are heavily tilted toward his party’s candidates. Adopt a budget-busting policy of handing out cash to likely supporters. Last but not least: Pass a new law banning “fake news,” and use it to silence critical media and to threaten the arrest of the opposition’s leader.
The betting in Kuala Lumpur is that all this will lead to Mr. Najib’s claiming a new mandate after Wednesday’s vote. President Trump, who favored the Malaysian leader with a White House visit last year, is unlikely to raise objections. That’s unfortunate, as Mr. Najib’s corrupt and increasingly authoritarian rule is leading his nation away from the United States.
Among those investigating Mr. Najib’s corruption is the U.S. Justice Department, which has alleged that the prime minister and close associates diverted $4.5 billion from a government investment fund. Justice is seeking to seize $1.7 billion in assets connected to the fraud and alleges that $730 million of the funds were deposited in bank accounts controlled by Mr. Najib. The prime minister denies wrongdoing but fired the Malaysian attorney general who was investigating the charges.
Anwar Ibrahim, leader of the coalition that outpolled the ruling party in the 2013 election, meanwhile was jailed on trumped-up sodomy charges. Still very popular, Mr. Anwar will not be released until after the election. But his party has formed an unlikely alliance with Mr. Najib’s predecessor as prime minister, Mahathir Mohamad, who broke with Mr. Najib following the corruption allegations.
Not content with gerrymandered districts — which, according to one calculation, could allow the ruling party to win a parliamentary majority with as little as 16 percent of the vote — the government has hounded the opposition with dirty tricks. New regulations effectively banned local candidates from using Mr. Mahathir’s name on posters or campaigning with him. His party was suspended for allegedly failing to file paperwork. Authorities are now threatening to prosecute Mr. Mahathir under the fake-news law.
A win by Mr. Najib will do more than reward his ugly tactics. It will likely increase Malaysia’s internal polarization: The prime minister has catered to Malay nationalism with xenophobic slogans and attacks on Christians and ethnic Chinese. It will propel Malaysia closer to China, which is happy to tolerate Mr. Najib’s authoritarianism and has taken advantage of Mr. Trump’s withdrawal from a trans-Pacific trade treaty that would have bound the United States closer to Malaysia. A president pursuing U.S. interests would be seeking to isolate Mr. Najib. Instead, if he pulls off his rigged reelection, Mr. Najib can probably count on Mr. Trump’s congratulations.
Read more on this issue:
Malaysia’s leader is eyeing a rigged reelection. Trump will probably congratulate him. - The Washington Post
Penyatuan parti, halangan buat BN untuk lebih mudah terus berkuasa.
Untuk kekal berkuasa dan dalam masa yang sama kehilangan banyak undi popular, terpalit dengan tuduhan rasuah dan menafikan penyiasatannya, tragedi pembunuhan seorang pegawai tertinggi penguatkuasa undang-undang serta menyedari ramai vetran Umno angkat kaki.
Antara langkah-langkah penyelesaian Najib ialah:
- Mewar-warkan slogan Hebatkan Malaysia. (Hidup Rakyat)
- Persempadanan semula: Dengan tujuan meret pemilihan lebih condong kepada BN. - Mengguna pakai dasar sogokan wang tunai kepada pengundi agar mengudi BN.
- Lulus undang-undang baru Akta Berita Palsu dan menggunakannya untuk menyekat media lawan yang tidak menyokongnya serta mengancam penangkapan pemimpin pembangkang.
BN: Hidup Rakyat.
Akhirnya semua ini akan membawa Najib yang mendakwa bakal mendapat mandat baru, selepas hari pengundian Rabu 8 Mei 2018. Ini menjadi hal malang, kerana pemerintahan Najib yang korup dan semakin otoriter memimpin negaranya. Presiden Trump, yang menyukai pemimpin Malaysia dengan lawatan White House tahun lepas, tidak mungkin menimbulkan bantahan. Antara yang menyiasat rasuah Najib adalah Jabatan Keadilan A.S., yang mendakwa bahawa perdana menteri dan sekutu dekatnya telah mengalihkan $4.5 bilion daripada dana pelaburan kerajaan. Hakim berusaha untuk merampas $1.7 bilion aset yang berkaitan dengan penipuan dan mendakwa bahawa $730 juta dana telah disimpan dalam akaun bank yang dikendalikan oleh Najib. Perdana menteri menafikan salah laku tersebut dan pembunuhan (Timbalan Ketua Bahagian Bicara dan Rayuan Jabatan Peguam Negara, Anthony Kevin Morais) yang sedang menyiasat dakwaan tersebut.
PH dibawah satu bendera dan simbul setelah ROS laksanakan pembatalan sementara PBBM.
Masih sangat popular Anwar Ibrahim, pemimpin gabungan yang mengalahkan undi popular parti pemerintah pada pilihan raya 2013, dipenjarakan atas tuduhan liwat. Anwar tidak akan dibebaskan sehingga selepas pilihan raya. (dibebaskan pada 8 Jun 2018) Tetapi partinya telah membentuk persekutuan yang tidak mungkin tetapi telah menjadi kenyataan, dengan pendahulu Najib sebagai perdana menteri, Mahathir Mohamad.
Peraturan baru dengan berkesan mengharamkan calon tempatan menggunakan gambar Mahathir pada poster atau berkempen dengannya. Parti beliau digantung kerana didakwa gagal memfailkan dokumen. Pihak berkuasa kini mengancam untuk mendakwa Mahathir di bawah undang-undang berita palsu.Najib akan melakukan lebih daripada memberi ganjaran kepada taktik hodohnya untuk beroleh kemenangan. Ia mungkin akan meningkatkan polarisasi dalaman Malaysia: Perdana Menteri mengabadikan kebangsaan Melayu dengan slogan xenophobic dan serangan terhadap orang Kristian dan etnik Cina.
Ia akan mendorong Malaysia lebih dekat dengan China, yang dengan senang hati menerima toleransi autoritarian Najib dan mengambil kesempatan daripada penarikan Trump dari perjanjian perdagangan trans-Pasifik, yang akan mengikat Amerika Syarikat lebih dekat ke Malaysia.
Seorang presiden yang mengejar kepentingan A.S. akan berusaha untuk mengasingkan Najib. Sebaliknya, jika dia menarik balik pemilihan semula beliau, Najib mungkin boleh mengira ucapan tahniah dari Trump.
Semarak Semangat untuk memenangi hati pengundi Rakyat Malaysia.
Celup xkan sampai jadi macam neh.
Rujukan: Diterjemah dari naskah asal:
Baca juga:
Malaysia’s leader is eyeing arigged reelection. Trump will probably congratulate him.
President Trump with Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak
in Washington in September 2017. (Evan Vucci/Associated Press)
Mr. Najib’s solution? Launch a campaign under the slogan “Make my country great.” Redraw election districts so they are heavily tilted toward his party’s candidates. Adopt a budget-busting policy of handing out cash to likely supporters. Last but not least: Pass a new law banning “fake news,” and use it to silence critical media and to threaten the arrest of the opposition’s leader.
The betting in Kuala Lumpur is that all this will lead to Mr. Najib’s claiming a new mandate after Wednesday’s vote. President Trump, who favored the Malaysian leader with a White House visit last year, is unlikely to raise objections. That’s unfortunate, as Mr. Najib’s corrupt and increasingly authoritarian rule is leading his nation away from the United States.
Among those investigating Mr. Najib’s corruption is the U.S. Justice Department, which has alleged that the prime minister and close associates diverted $4.5 billion from a government investment fund. Justice is seeking to seize $1.7 billion in assets connected to the fraud and alleges that $730 million of the funds were deposited in bank accounts controlled by Mr. Najib. The prime minister denies wrongdoing but fired the Malaysian attorney general who was investigating the charges.
Anwar Ibrahim, leader of the coalition that outpolled the ruling party in the 2013 election, meanwhile was jailed on trumped-up sodomy charges. Still very popular, Mr. Anwar will not be released until after the election. But his party has formed an unlikely alliance with Mr. Najib’s predecessor as prime minister, Mahathir Mohamad, who broke with Mr. Najib following the corruption allegations.
Not content with gerrymandered districts — which, according to one calculation, could allow the ruling party to win a parliamentary majority with as little as 16 percent of the vote — the government has hounded the opposition with dirty tricks. New regulations effectively banned local candidates from using Mr. Mahathir’s name on posters or campaigning with him. His party was suspended for allegedly failing to file paperwork. Authorities are now threatening to prosecute Mr. Mahathir under the fake-news law.
A win by Mr. Najib will do more than reward his ugly tactics. It will likely increase Malaysia’s internal polarization: The prime minister has catered to Malay nationalism with xenophobic slogans and attacks on Christians and ethnic Chinese. It will propel Malaysia closer to China, which is happy to tolerate Mr. Najib’s authoritarianism and has taken advantage of Mr. Trump’s withdrawal from a trans-Pacific trade treaty that would have bound the United States closer to Malaysia. A president pursuing U.S. interests would be seeking to isolate Mr. Najib. Instead, if he pulls off his rigged reelection, Mr. Najib can probably count on Mr. Trump’s congratulations.
Read more on this issue:
The Post’s View: Malaysia’s ploy to punish ‘fake news’ is really just censorship
Cynthia Gabriel: For Malaysia, the fight against corruption is also a fight for democracy
The Post’s View: Trump welcomes an authoritarian to the White House
Nurul Izzah Anwar: Here’s what President Trump should tell Malaysia’s prime minister
Cynthia Gabriel: For Malaysia, the fight against corruption is also a fight for democracy
The Post’s View: Trump welcomes an authoritarian to the White House
Nurul Izzah Anwar: Here’s what President Trump should tell Malaysia’s prime minister
Malaysia’s leader is eyeing a rigged reelection. Trump will probably congratulate him. - The Washington Post
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