20 Jun 2018, 1:03 tengahari (Dikemaskini 20 Jun 2018, 1:05 tengahari)
Bendera PKR, Malaysia di perlawanan Piala Dunia.
Bagi pasukan bola sepak Malaysia, yang menduduki tangga 171 dunia di bawah St Lucia - sebuah pulau merangkumi 617km dan dengan penduduk kurang daripada 200,000 - untuk layak ke Piala Dunia kekal sebagai mimpi yang sukar menjadi kenyataan.Bagaimanapun, bagi peminat bola sepak tempatan, mereka mungkin sedikit terhibur apabila mendapati sekurang-kurangnya ada bendera PKR dan Malaysia yang berjaya dibawa ke perlawanan pusingan akhir 2018 di Rusia.
Sekeping gambar yang diedarkan di media sosial menunjukkan jurulatih Senegal, Aliou Cisse mendonggak ke arah langit apabila pasukannya berdepan Poland semalam.
Dalam latar belakang itu, bendera PKR dapat dilihat diikat di pagar keluli di stadium Spartak Moscow. Bersebelahannya, terdapat pula bendera Malaysia.
Ketua Pemuda PKR Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad menyiarkan gambar itu di akaun Twitternya, dengan kapsyen: "Siapa rakyat Malaysia ini? Duduk di barisan hadapan."
Dalam perlawanan Kumpulan H, Senegal menjadi negara Afrika pertama memenangi perlawanan pada pusingan akhir 2018 selepas menewaskan Poland 2-1.
Kumpulan H juga terdiri daripada Jepun dan Colombia.
Senegal dijadual berdepan Jepun pada hujung minggu manakala Poland akan berentap dengan Colombia pada hari Isnin.
Jepun mengalahkan Colombia 2-1 semalam. Pasukan Amerika Selatan itu bermain dengan 10 orang apabila pada minit ketiga Carlos Sanchez Moreno diperintah keluat padang.
Bendera PKR, Malaysia di perlawanan Piala Dunia
By Nofar - September 13, 2017
Looking for employment in 1930
"I know 3 trades, I speak 3 languages, fought for 3 years, have 3 children and no work for 3 months. But I only want one job."
Ku Klux Klan on a ferris-wheel, 1925
It appears that some human traits still remained within them.
Dorothy's Rest
Judy Garland taking a break during filming of The Wizard of Oz, 1938.
Jesse Owens wins gold in Nazi Germany, 1936
Despite all the hate, he proved to be the best!
Love at First Sight
Jerry Stiller takes his son Ben to watch a play, 1978.
Unexpected Kiss

Hitler Reacts to Kiss from Excited American Woman at the Berlin Olympics, August 15, 1936.
A Look From Above

Hiroshima before and after the atomic bomb that hit on August 6th, 1945.
War Dog

A dog being dressed up by a German soldier, 1940.
Encounter of Cultures

A Group of Samurai in front of Egypt's Sphinx, 1864.
The King of Rock

Elvis Presley being sworn into his compulsory army service. Arkansas, 1958.
War Declaration

Hitler declares war on the United States - December 11th, 1941.
The Pick-less

John Lennon attempting to retrieve his guitar pick while in India, 1968.

Moscow celebrates victory over Nazi Germany - May 9th, 1945.

Private James Hendrix of the 101st Airborne, playing guitar at Fort Campbell Kentucky in 1962.
Grease the Chassis

Reminder of proper military vehicle maintenance, 1942.
The HMS Daphne

Rescued slaves crowd the deck of the HMS Daphne, 1868.

Soviet tank rams into a building - Warsaw Pact invasion in Czechoslovakia, 1968.
Not the Traditional Cruise

Thousands of Albanian refugees arrive in Bari, Italy to escape the collapse of communism in 1991.
The Alliance

Troops of the Eight-Nation alliance in 1900.
Modern Art

Two girls more engrossed with the air vent grate than the modern art on the walls of the San Francisco Museum of Art, 1963.
U.S. Marines

U.S. Marines hit rough water as they leave their LST to take the beach at Cape Gloucester, New Britain 1943.
The last photograph of the Titanic afloat, 1912

This photograph was taken by John Morrogh at around 2 PM on April 11th 1912 as Titanic was leaving Queenstown, Ireland. It's confirmed that this is the last photo of the famous liner.
Babies on board!

Mass evacuation of children from South Vietnam to the United States and other countries at the end of the Vietnam War.
Burst of joy?

The photo, titled by the author "Burst of joy" or the "Outbreak of Joy," won the Pulitzer Prize in 1974. Contrary to appearances, however, it brings with it hidden sadness. Three days earlier, Lt. Col. Stirm was released from Vietnamese captivity and received a letter from his wife Loretta (pictured on the right from the second), in which she informed him that she met another man and wants to divorce him.
A giant Manta Ray

Giant manta ray captured on the coast of New Jersey in 1933.
Well, someone has to do it

Assembling the Sears and Roebuck catalog, 1942.

O.J. Simpson running from the police on June 17, 1994.
Kiss Goodbye

American soldiers saying goodbye to their loved ones
before leaving to Egypt in 1963.
The Blue Tattoo

Olive Oatman was a 13-year-old Mormon pioneer who traveled west toward Zion in 1851. On her way, she was captured by Yavapai Indians who murdered her family and made her their slave. She lived as a slave for a year before being traded to the Mohave, who tattooed her face and raised her as their own. Even though she was happy among the Mohaves,
at 19 she was ransomed back to white society. She became instantly famous, but the price of fame was high and the pain of her ruptured childhood lasted a lifetime.
Under Construction

Construction of the Golden Gate Bridge, 1934.
First Class

Air hostess and steward serving Scandinavian country style buffet, SAS Scandinavian Airlines, 1969.
"Free Borsht"

A Ukrainian-American family celebrates the death of Stalin, 1953.
Open-air Schools

A forgotten age of open-air schools in the Netherlands, 1957.
A Lot Have Changed
Women protesting forced Hijab,
a few days after the revolution in Iran, 1979.

German prisoners of war in American camps are shown footage of German concentration camps, 1945.
Murder by sword

Using a traditional Japanese blade,
17-year-old Yamaguchi assassinates socialist politician Asanuma in Tokyo,
as it was captured on live television in 1960.
Break Down

U.S. President Lyndon Johnson listens to a tape sent by Captain Charles Robb (his son-in-law) from Vietnam, 1968.

The wives of the astronauts on the Apollo 8 mission, the moment they heard their husbands voices from orbit, 1968.
Deadwood, 1876

The settlement of Deadwood began illegally in the 1870s on land which had been granted to Native Americana. In 1874, Colonel George Armstrong Custer led an expedition into the Black Hills and announced the discovery of gold on French Creek near present-day Custer, South Dakota. This announcement triggered the Black Hills Gold Rush and gave rise to the new and lawless town of Deadwood.
Easter Eggs

U.S. soldiers of 969th Field Artillery Battalion decorate shells they're delivering to the front line in Germany, 1944.

Boy receiving a new pair of shoes at an orphanage in Austria, 1946.
Si Si Si

The headquarters of Benito Mussolini's
National Fascist Party in Rome, 1934.
Exposing the Sphinx

The Great Sphinx of Giza partially excavated, 1860's.
A Toast

December 5th, 1933: The day when nationwide alcohol ban was repealed.
Ancient Seal

The 3245-year-old seal on Tutankhamen's tomb
before it was broken in 1922.
The "Big Three"

Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill meet at the Tehran Conference, 1943.
Polluted Skies

1966: Before the creation of the EPA,
New York was one of America's most polluted cities.
A Break From War

Red Army soldier with a kitten during WWII.
Having Fun

Princess Diana and Prince Harry at an amusement park, April 1992.
Math on the Pavement

Female Soviet college students studying
for their exams in a park in the late 1960s.
The Snipers

Female Snipers of the 3rd Shock Army, 1st Belorussian Front, 1945.
Satisfied Audience

Marilyn Monroe performing for the thousands of allied troops in Korea, February 11th, 1954.
Who Killed Kennedy?

Most Americans don't believe it was Lee Harvey who
assassinated president John F. Kennedy in 1963.
Plane Wing Tennis

The photo below was used on a postcard in the 1920s.
It represented a common practice at the time: playing tennis on a wing
of a plane as it would cruise at up to 60 miles per hour.
The Kiss

This photo, taken in 1979, show Soviet Union's Leonid Brezhnev and leader of East Germany, Erich Hockner, practicing a socialist fraternal kiss - a special form of greeting between the statesmen of Communist countries.
Cat in Space

Times Magazine named this photo from February 1958
"A Portrait of the Ideal Space Man."
The Clintons

This intimate photo of the Clintons was taken by Harry Benson in 1992. Benson witnessed numerous historic moments and photographed some of the biggest celebrities from the 1950s to this day.
Marilyn Monroe's First Marriage

Marilyn Monroe had was married three times, although when she died in 1962, she was only 36-years-old. Her first husband was James Dougherty, a police officer from L.A. They got married when Monroe was 16-years-old.
Roma Deportation

Romani tribes have always been discriminated and humiliated in Europe. With Hitler's rise, racist legislation against Romani was greater than ever.
Wright Brothers' First Flight

The first ever airplane flight happened on December 17, 1903. It lasted 12 seconds and the new record was set later that day - 59 seconds.
Children for Sale

This photo was published in The Vidette-Messenger of Valparaiso in 1948. Due to a poor financial situation, this family decided to sell their children. They were all sold within two years, including a baby the mother was pregnant with when the photo was taken.
Manhattan Wheatfield

Can you believe that the area behind the World Trade Center was just a field merely 30-ish years ago? This picture was taken in 1982.
Mount St. Helens Eruption

Mount St. Helens, Washington, erupted on May 18, 1980, leaving a crater in the shape of a horseshoe.
Futuristic Postcards

It's fun to look at an image from 1900 depicting what the Germans imagined the year 2000 would look like. Totally real, right?
1906 San Francisco Earthquake and Fire

San Francisco suffered massive destruction in 1906
when an earthquake struck on April 18. However, the majority
of damage happened due to fires that started afterwards.
Tibetan Skeleton Dancers

This photo was published in National Geographic in November 1928 with the capture: "With huge cadaver masks, imitation tiger-skin skirts, and enormous claws, this performer and his seven similarly garbed companions strike terror to the hearts of spectators in the Old Dance. They are assistants of Showa the Deer, messenger of Yama."
Computer Beats Garry Kasparov

World chess champion Garry Kasparov was beaten by a computer in 1997. This was the sign of what artificial intelligence could do and we're seeing the progress day after day.
Baby Boomers

The baby boomer generation was born between 1946 and 1964. There are 76 million of them in the U.S. only.
First Bodybuilders

Bodybuilding wasn't really a thing in the early 1900s. The first big bodybuilding competition happened in 1904 in NYC.
Pablo Escobar’s Hacienda

Escobar's famous Hacienda, Napoles, was a ranch located between Bogota, the capital of Colombia, and the city of Medellin. Reportedly, the remains of the house collapsed in 2015.
1960's First Class

In the 1960s, airlines first introduced "first class": a modern, more luxurious way of traveling compared to the single class everyone had before.
Historical Photos from Points of View you've Never Seen Before
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