Sabtu, 15 September 2018

Malaysia Airlines touching sometimes we forget we have. 8205.


Priya Balkerishna One thing I miss the most when going overseas is speaking in Malay so whenever I bump into anyone that looks Malaysian, be it from any races, I will say hi to them first and start conversing in Malay! So far I’ve done it in Paris, Egypt, Bali, India, Russia and Singapore. More Malaysians should start talking in Malay when seeing each other. Salam sejahtera dan Selamat Hari Malaysia kawan2 🎉

Rosly Mansor To all Malaysians, this is the only country that we have and belongs to. Please take care our country and to tightly preserve our racial harmony in our beloved country ie MALAYSIA NEGARAKU.

Aisyah Anna Alhamdulillah..Proud Malaysian wherever we are, perhaps should focus more on the positives than the negatives to inculcate a sense of pride for our country... & Malaysia Airlines tetap d hati... ❤️❤️ 🇲🇾

 Izzi Nash with the family from 2014 until 2016. It was the most unforgettable memory being apart from the family. They really implement their "Malaysian Hospitality" even to each family member. Now with other airlines company yet MH still in heart and will always be. Good job, Malaysia Airlines 

Touching Sometimes we forget we have.

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