Cari Mudah Mengetahui Pemilik Nomor Ponsel Tidak Dikenal, Yang Suka Isengin agan!

Meskipun terkadang ada beberapa nomor baru yang menelpon kita karena memang ada keperluan mendesak dengan kita, namun tak jarang nomor misterius tersebut adalah nomor baru yang entah dari mana mereka dapatkan adalah nomor yang di gunakan untuk promosi, penipuan berkedok undian dan lain-lain.
Cara yang paling efektif adalah dengan memblokir nomor-nomor tidak di kenal tersebut supaya kita tidak terusik privacy kita. Namun jika agan penasaran siapa yang pemilik nomor baru yang tidak agan kenal tersebut, mungkin tips berikut untuk cari tahu pemilik nomor ponsel misterius tersebut bisa membantu kamu gan.
Install Aplikasi Truecaller: Caller ID & Dialer
Bagi agan pengguna smartphone baik itu OS Android maun iOS, agan bisa memanfaatkan salah satu aplikasi yang tersedia dia Playstore maupun AppStore. Di berinama Truecaller: Caller ID & Dialer, aplikasi buatan Swedia ini di klaim memiliki Miliaran database nomor telepon dari seluruh negara yang sudah di identifikasi sebelumnya.
Selain untuk mengetahui siapa pemilik nomor telepon, aplikasi ini juga bisa merecord semua logpanggilan kita seperti siapa yang sudah melakukan misscalled atau panggilan tak terjawab terhadap nomor kita, serta memblokir nomor yang tidak kita kehendaki.
Cara pemakaiannya pun cukup gampang gan ! hanya perlu menginstall aplikasi ini sesuai dengan sistem operasi smartphone milik agan. Selanjutnya silahkan buka aplikasi Truecaller dan login, kemudian kamu akan melihat ada empat tab utama: Calls, Search, Block, dan Contacts.Pilih Search dan setelah itu kamu bisa melacak nomor telepon berdasarkan nomor atau nama.
Cari Tahu Pemilik Nomor Ponsel Melalui Website
Selain dengan menginstall aplikasi di atas untuk mengetahui siapa pemilik nomor posel misterius, kita juga bisa memanfaatkan aplikasi Truecaller: Caller ID & Dialer tersebut versi online di situs resmi milik mereka. agan juga bisa mengunjungi website mereka di mendaftar / signup. selanjutnya silahkan pilih negara tujuan, misal jika nomor tersebut adalah dari operator Telkomsel maka akan di awali dengan +62 kemudian masukan nomor yang ingin agan tau siapa pemiliknya.
Meski cara ini tidak menjamin 100 persen akurat, namun apa salahnya untuk di coba. Barangkali salah satu nomor yang di gunakan untuk meneror agan tersebut telah terdaftar dalam database milik mereka.
Visit :
Cari Mudah Mengetahui Pemilik Nomor Ponsel Tidak Dikenal, Yang Suka Isengin agan ! | KASKUS
Pentingnya Mengerti dan Tahu Bagaimana ber-Email

Holaaa kembali lagi di threads lembu ganteng yang paling baguz banget hehehe ...
Well, berbicara tentang komunikasi, komunikasi merupakan hal penting yang harus dikuasai oleh setiap orang baik tulis maupun non-tulis.
Sebelum memulai diskusi kali ini gue pingin tanya nih? Komunikasi on-line temen-temen yang sering kalian pakai apa hayoo? Apakah itu Whatsapp, Google Talks, Yahoo mail, Pidgin, Skype, Steam, Telegram, Wechat, IRC, TorChat, SMS, SIPE,, Rediffbol, Gammuu atau apa hayooo ...
Pasti di antara aplikasi on-line di atas adalah media komunikasi anda bukan? Mungkin bolehlah aku bilang kalau enggak Whatsapp yah Line karena memang, dua itu yang menjadi alat komunikasi andalan untuk abad ini wkwkwkwk, abad ini ngomongnya xD...
Pernahkah agan berbicara maksud aku berkomunikasi lewat email? Enggak pernah ? Kasihan banget deh lo...
Mentang-mentang kalian lahir di abad "kidz zaman now / generasi Z" bukan berarti kalian boleh meninggalkan media komunikasi satu ini yaah apa lagi kalau bukan email. Kali ini om lembu ganteng ini akan membahas pentingnya agan atau sista mengerti dan tahu tentang email.
1. Buat Lamar Beasiswa
Sebulan yang lalu teman gue melamar beasiswa gan. Dan gue baru tahu bahwa ada aturan-aturan tertentu saat menulis email kepada prospective Proffesor mereka. Email harus memiliki Kata sapaan Dear. Prof. xxxx, email harus memiliki subject yang jelas jangan alay, kata-katanya pun harus baku. Tidak boleh kata alay dan kata kotor. wkwkwkwk
2. Buat Lamar Kerja
Kalau yang pertama untuk mencari beasiswa, maka yang kedua adalah untuk melamar kerja. Tentu saja melamar kerja adalah hal yang wajib dilakukan untuk para Jobseeker atau pencari kerja saat dia ingin mendapatkan pekerjaan. Sama seperti email yang digunakan untuk mencari beasiswa, email lamaran kerja memiliki aturan-aturan khusus salah satunya berbahasa yang formal.
Selain ke dua hal pokok di atas email juga digunakan untukbimbingan Skripsi/thesis atau disertasi(*mendingan pakai email dari pada langsung jika dosen lo adalah orang luar. saran aja si kwkwkw) dan juga email bisa dipakai untuk sarana komunikasi saat anda minta Jurnal Secara Langsung dari Penulisnya (Dari pada website mending minta langsung bro, gratis hehehe)
Udah sekian yaa gaezz, semoga bisa bertemu lagi...

The Ideas and the picture is originally made by @lembuganteng
Khai Bahar - Luluh ( Official Music Video with lyric )
Tuesday, April 3, 2018
Scanning HTTPS for Mixed Content
Back in 2014, Google raised the awareness of using HTTPS ("Secure HTTP") by making its use a ranking signal in Google search algorithms. HTTPS essentially establishes secure encrypted connections to the cloud. Google further raised the stake of not using HTTPS by announcing that, beginning in July 2018, the Google Chrome browser with the release of Chrome 68 will mark all HTTP websites as being insecure. The consequence of not converting to HTTPS is that site visitors will be persuaded by the warning message to bounce from your website.
Even before the impending drop dead date, Chrome and other popular web browsers such as Firefox and Edge have been warning visitors to HTTP-connected sites with an informational message.
Web administrators had taken heed and converted their websites to HTTPS, many taking advantage of the free SSL certificates issued by Let's Encrypt. However, if you have successfully converted to HTTPS, your work may not be done. You still need to verify that your website is properly recognized as being secure. You want to see the padlock icon displayed next to the web page's URL in the browser window.
To many administrators' surprise, even a properly converted HTTPS website may still be marked as being insecure. This is most likely due to the website's mixed content. For a web page to be deemed secure, everything loaded by that page must be encrypted by HTTPS. A web page with mixed content loads both encrypted as well as non-encrypted contents such as images, videos, stylesheets and scripts.
While it is possible to manually spot mixed web content on a web page, checking a non-trivial website requires automation. Mixed Content Scan is a command-line web crawler which scans for mixed content. The rest of this post explains how to install and use the tool.
Mixed Content Scan
is a batch PHP application. To install the tool, use composer
, a PHP package dependency manager. For the latest instructions on how to install composer
, please refer to this link. Note that the said procedure installs composer
in the current directory. Optionally, move the executable to a globally accessible directory using the following command.$ sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
To install
Mixed Content Scan
:$ composer global require bramus/mixed-content-scan:~2.8
Mixed Content Scan
executable is placed in ~/.config/composer/vendor/bramus/mixed-content-scan/bin
.Scanning for mixed content
To scan a website for mixed content, simply provide its URL as an argument to
Mixed Content Scan
:$ cd ~/.config/composer/vendor/bramus/mixed-content-scan/bin
$ ./mixed-content-scan
By default, the tool outputs the scan report on the terminal("standard output"). Alternatively, you can specify an output file using the
parameter as follows:$ cd ~/.config/composer/vendor/bramus/mixed-content-scan/bin
$ ./mixed-content-scan --output <some/file/path>
You can also use the
parameter to specify a file which contains URL patterns that the tool will ignore and not scan. The example site I use is a WordPress website. The scanning tool comes with a sample ignore
file for WordPress which is located in ~/.config/composer/vendor/bramus/mixed-content-scan/bin/ignorepatterns/wordpress.txt
$ cd ~/.config/composer/vendor/bramus/mixed-content-scan/bin
$ ./mixed-content-scan --ignore=~/.config/composer/vendor/bramus/mixed-content-scan/bin/ignorepatterns/wordpress.txt
[2018-02-16 16:53:18] MCS.NOTICE: Scanning
[2018-02-16 16:53:18] MCS.ERROR: 00000 -
[2018-02-16 16:53:18] MCS.WARNING:
[2018-02-16 16:53:19] MCS.ERROR: 00001 -
[2018-02-16 16:53:19] MCS.WARNING:
[2018-02-16 16:53:19] MCS.WARNING:
[2018-02-16 16:53:20] MCS.ERROR: 00002 -
[2018-02-16 16:53:20] MCS.WARNING:
... <output snipped> ...
[2018-02-16 16:53:38] MCS.NOTICE: Scanned 26 pages for Mixed Content
Mixed Content Scan
numbers each page scanned, starting from 00000
. In the above example, the About
page (00001
) has been flagged as having mixed content. The sources of mixed content as loaded by that page are twofold:- Vulnerable image file.
file is being loaded via the insecure HTTP connection. The fix is simple: go to the WordPress administration web page, and change HTTP to HTTPS on theAbout
web page. - Theme header profile
The header of the default twentyseventeen WordPress theme contains a reference to The code is in<document root>/wp-content/themes/twentyseventeen/header.php
Although the scanner reports its occurrence as a violation, browsers generally do not flag this as a mixed content error. This error can be safely ignored.
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Running bash commands in parallel
A modern server is typically multi-core, perhaps even multi-CPU. That is plenty of computing power to unleash on a given job. However, unless you run a job in parallel, you are not maximizing the use of all that power.
Below are some typical everyday operations we can speed up using parallel computing:
- Backup files from multiple source directories to a removable disk.
- Resize image files in a directory.
- Compress files in a directory.
GNU parallel
GNU parallel
Installation of GNU parallel
To install GNU parallel
on a Debian/Ubuntu system, run the following command:$ sudo apt-get install parallel
General Usage
TheGNU parallel
program provides many options which you can specify to customize its behavior. Interested readers can read its man
page to learn more about their usage. In this post, I will narrow the execution of GNU parallel
to the following scenario.My objective is to run a shell command in parallel, but on the same multi-core machine. The command can take multiple options, but only 1 is variable. Specifically, you run concurrent instances of the command by providing a different value for that one variable option. The different values are fed, one per line, to
GNU parallel
via the standard input.The rest of this post shows how
GNU parallel
can backup multiple source directories by running rsync
in parallel.Parallel backup
The following command backs up 2 directories in parallel:/home/peter
and /data
.$ echo -e '/home/peter\n/data' | parallel -j-2 -k --eta rsync -R -av {} /media/myBKUP
Standard input
command assembles the 2 source directory locations, separated by a newline character (\n
), and pipes it to GNU parallel
.How many jobs?
By default,GNU parallel
deploys 1 job per core. You can override the default usint the -j
specifies the maximum number of parallel jobs that GNU parallel
can deploy. The maximum number can be specified in 1 of several ways:-j
followed by a number-j2
means that up to 2 jobs can run in parallel.-j+
followed by a number-j+2
means that the maximum number of jobs is the number of cores plus 2.-j-
followed by a number-j-2
means that the maximum number of jobs is the number of cores minus 2.
$ parallel --number-of-cores
Keeping output order
Each job may output lines to the standard output. When multiple jobs are run in parallel, the default behavior is that a job's output is displayed as soon as the job finishes. You may find this confusing because the output order may be different from the input order. The-k
option keeps the output sequence the same as the input sequence.Showing progress
option reports progress while GNU parallel
executes, including the estimated remaining time (in seconds).Input place-holder
GNU parallel
substitutes the {}
parameter with the next line in the standard input.Each input line is a directory location, e.g.,
. Instead of the full location, you can specify other parameters in order to extract a portion thereof - e.g., the directory name(/home
) and the basename (peter
). Please refer to the man page for details.Summary
GNU parallel
is a tool that Linux administrators should add to their repertoire. Running a job in parallel can only improve one's efficiency. If you are already familiar with xargs
, you will find the syntax familiar. Even if you are new to the command, there is a wealth of on-line help on the GNU parallel
website.An update on Google+ and Blogger
Following the announcement of Google+ API deprecation scheduled for March 2019, a number of changes will be made to Blogger’s Google+ integration on 4 February 2019. *Google+ widgets:* Support for the “+1 Button”, “Google+ Followers” and “Google+ Badge” widgets in Layout will no longer be available. All instances of these widgets will be removed from all blogs. *+1 buttons:* The +1/G+ buttons and Google+ share links below blog posts and in the navigation bar will be removed. Please note that if you have a custom template that includes Google+ features, you may need to update ... lagi »
It’s spring cleaning time for Blogger
To make room for some exciting updates coming soon to Blogger, we’re simplifying the platform to enhance the blogging experience for all of our users. Changes to existing features in Blogger *(rolling out over the next few months)*: - *Google+ Integrations:* Throughout the next few months, Blogger will transform Google+ widget integrations into HTML widgets to give you more flexibility in how you share and see your followers. - *OpenID:* Blogger previously allowed users to comment on blogs using an existing third party OpenID identity provider and has also acted as ... lagi »
Share your unique style with new Blogger themes
If you’re one of the millions of people who uses Blogger to share your views on current affairs, teach the world how to make sushi, or just offer a peek into your day, then you know how important it is to be able to put your personal stamp on your blog. After all, your blog isn’t just a place you share, it’s a reflection of who you are and the impression you’d like to leave with your readers. To make it easier for you to express your unique style, we’ve created a new set of blog themes for you to choose from. Each theme comes in a variety of colors, is fully customizable, and can be... lagi »
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