بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ , الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ , الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ , مَالِكِ يَوْمِ الدِّينِ , إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ , اهْدِنَا الصِّرَاطَ المُسْتَقِيمَ , صِرَاطَ الَّذِينَ أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ , غَيْرِ المَغْضُوبِ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلاَ الضَّالِّينَ.
Assalamualaikum w.b.t/السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه
MH370: Lokasi terakhir dikesan di barat Perth lapor Bloomberg
Lokasi terakhir pesawat MH370 dikesan ketika berada di sebuah zon kira-kira 1,609 kilometer dari barat Perth, Australia, kata pasukan penyiasat Amerika Syarikat (AS).
Laman web berita Bloomberg melaporkan, petunjuk terbaharu itu dimaklumkan oleh sumber kerajaan AS berdasarkan keputusan analisis data transmisi satelit oleh pasukan penyiasat tersebut.
Combing Ocean for Flight 370 Harder Than 2-Year French Hunt
By Andrea Rothman
As the search for the missing Malaysian jetliner shifts to the vast expanses of the Indian Ocean, the hunt for an Air France (AF) plane that vanished over the Atlantic in 2009 provides some sobering lessons.
Wreckage from the French jet took two years to locate on the seabed even though debris was found floating five days after the plane went missing. In the case of Malaysian Flight 370, a week of searching has produced not a trace of physical evidence.
Parallels between the incidents are limited to Air France Flight 447 disappearing abruptly on an overnight flight between Rio De Janeiro and Paris, and MH370 vanishing in the early hours en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.
While surface debris and data downloads quickly pointed to the French plane’s likely fate, it took a deep-sea trawl costing $100 million to locate black-box flight recorders that finally revealed what happened. Searchers in Southeast Asia have even less to go on.
“Here we have no solid information, and nobody’s found any debris to help provide indications,” said Jean-Paul Troadec, who was in charge of France’s BEA air-accident investigating bureau when the AF447 search was under way. “The problem here is, what is the last position?”
The last satellite transmission from Flight 370 has been traced to the Indian Ocean off Perth, Australia, far from where searches have been taking place, according to a person familiar with the search, who spoke on condition of not being named because of the sensitivity of the information. That would leave it flying over a stretch of ocean with depths of more than 10,000 feet, similar to those where AF447 went down.
Breakdown Messages
In the case of the Air France Airbus Group NV (AIR) A330 jet, the authorities had an invaluable insight into the plane’s final minutes on June 1 following the transmission of 24 automated breakdown messages. As soon as June 6, a Brazilian rescue ship was already retrieving bodies from the ocean surface.
Views on where to even begin looking for debris from the Malaysian Airline System (MAS) Bhd. Boeing Co. (BA) 777 have changed from one day to the next since the plane’s disappearance, with initial efforts focused on the Gulf of Thailand, the site of its last know position one hour after takeoff.
Subsequent searches also took in the South China (1668) and Gulf of Tonkin to the north, before the focus changed completely.
Transponder Off
While the transponder responsible for identifying the jet to ground controllers quit working 40 minutes into the flight, information emerging from military radars and satellite systems began to suggest it had changed course and backtracked hundreds of miles west, beyond its original point of origin.
Search efforts moved to the Malacca Strait between Malaysia and Indonesia and most recently to the Andaman Sea, north of Sumatra, and the Bay of Bengal at the northern extremity of the Indian Ocean, a body of water that’s the third-largest in the world after the Pacific and Atlantic.
Now, the most recent satellite data shows it last flying near Perth, the person familiar said.
Whereas the Gulf of Thailand is a relatively small sea, often shallower than a 777 is long at about 50-60 meters (165-195 feet), the new area is huge and complex. That makes the search tougher and any retrieval effort more challenging, said Dave Gallo, director of special projects at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Research Institute in Falmouth, Massachusetts.
Robots in Search
“It’s akin to searching more than the entire North Atlantic,” said Gallo, whose robots helped find the wreck of AF447. “It’s like Los Angeles to New York to London. And it’s very dynamic topographically -- very volcanic, lots of landslides and eruptions and earthquakes, making it an extremely difficult area to move around in.”
While the Andaman Sea has an average depth of about 1,000 meters, far greater than the Gulf of Thailand though still relatively modest versus the 3,900 meters at which AF447 was found, the seabed drops off dramatically to the west. There, a series of trenches marks the geologically volatile boundary between the Eurasian the Indo-Australia continental plates. Beyond lie the depths of the Indian Ocean’s abyssal plane.
Airbus financially contributed to the search for the Air France aircraft, and only the fourth salvage attempt brought a result in the form of the wreckage and flight-recorder boxes. France even enlisted the help of a nuclear submarine to trawl the seabed on earlier, ultimately futile attempts.
Computer Models
While researchers can use computerized, mathematical models to study currents and winds to help narrow down the search zone from recovered debris, Troadec of the BEA institute said such methods proved futile in the hunt for AF 447.
“We discovered that the currents went every which way,” said Troadec.
Even if the wreckage was to be found in the deep ocean, only a “small club of people” could contemplate reaching the site, according to Gallo, who reckons the search effort on the surface is equally daunting, given that the Boeing wide-body had enough fuel keep flying for at least another 2,500 miles.
“Usually by this point there’s some trace of something to go on, but we have none of that,” he said. “Every night I go to sleep thinking there’ll be new, fresh leads in the morning, but things only seem to go backwards. It seems impossible.”
~ Bloomberg
Laman web berita Bloomberg melaporkan, petunjuk terbaharu itu dimaklumkan oleh sumber kerajaan AS berdasarkan keputusan analisis data transmisi satelit oleh pasukan penyiasat tersebut.
Combing Ocean for Flight 370 Harder Than 2-Year French Hunt
By Andrea Rothman
As the search for the missing Malaysian jetliner shifts to the vast expanses of the Indian Ocean, the hunt for an Air France (AF) plane that vanished over the Atlantic in 2009 provides some sobering lessons.
Wreckage from the French jet took two years to locate on the seabed even though debris was found floating five days after the plane went missing. In the case of Malaysian Flight 370, a week of searching has produced not a trace of physical evidence.
Parallels between the incidents are limited to Air France Flight 447 disappearing abruptly on an overnight flight between Rio De Janeiro and Paris, and MH370 vanishing in the early hours en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.
While surface debris and data downloads quickly pointed to the French plane’s likely fate, it took a deep-sea trawl costing $100 million to locate black-box flight recorders that finally revealed what happened. Searchers in Southeast Asia have even less to go on.
“Here we have no solid information, and nobody’s found any debris to help provide indications,” said Jean-Paul Troadec, who was in charge of France’s BEA air-accident investigating bureau when the AF447 search was under way. “The problem here is, what is the last position?”
The last satellite transmission from Flight 370 has been traced to the Indian Ocean off Perth, Australia, far from where searches have been taking place, according to a person familiar with the search, who spoke on condition of not being named because of the sensitivity of the information. That would leave it flying over a stretch of ocean with depths of more than 10,000 feet, similar to those where AF447 went down.
Breakdown Messages
In the case of the Air France Airbus Group NV (AIR) A330 jet, the authorities had an invaluable insight into the plane’s final minutes on June 1 following the transmission of 24 automated breakdown messages. As soon as June 6, a Brazilian rescue ship was already retrieving bodies from the ocean surface.
Views on where to even begin looking for debris from the Malaysian Airline System (MAS) Bhd. Boeing Co. (BA) 777 have changed from one day to the next since the plane’s disappearance, with initial efforts focused on the Gulf of Thailand, the site of its last know position one hour after takeoff.
Subsequent searches also took in the South China (1668) and Gulf of Tonkin to the north, before the focus changed completely.
Transponder Off
While the transponder responsible for identifying the jet to ground controllers quit working 40 minutes into the flight, information emerging from military radars and satellite systems began to suggest it had changed course and backtracked hundreds of miles west, beyond its original point of origin.
Search efforts moved to the Malacca Strait between Malaysia and Indonesia and most recently to the Andaman Sea, north of Sumatra, and the Bay of Bengal at the northern extremity of the Indian Ocean, a body of water that’s the third-largest in the world after the Pacific and Atlantic.
Now, the most recent satellite data shows it last flying near Perth, the person familiar said.
Whereas the Gulf of Thailand is a relatively small sea, often shallower than a 777 is long at about 50-60 meters (165-195 feet), the new area is huge and complex. That makes the search tougher and any retrieval effort more challenging, said Dave Gallo, director of special projects at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Research Institute in Falmouth, Massachusetts.
Robots in Search
“It’s akin to searching more than the entire North Atlantic,” said Gallo, whose robots helped find the wreck of AF447. “It’s like Los Angeles to New York to London. And it’s very dynamic topographically -- very volcanic, lots of landslides and eruptions and earthquakes, making it an extremely difficult area to move around in.”
While the Andaman Sea has an average depth of about 1,000 meters, far greater than the Gulf of Thailand though still relatively modest versus the 3,900 meters at which AF447 was found, the seabed drops off dramatically to the west. There, a series of trenches marks the geologically volatile boundary between the Eurasian the Indo-Australia continental plates. Beyond lie the depths of the Indian Ocean’s abyssal plane.
Airbus financially contributed to the search for the Air France aircraft, and only the fourth salvage attempt brought a result in the form of the wreckage and flight-recorder boxes. France even enlisted the help of a nuclear submarine to trawl the seabed on earlier, ultimately futile attempts.
Computer Models
While researchers can use computerized, mathematical models to study currents and winds to help narrow down the search zone from recovered debris, Troadec of the BEA institute said such methods proved futile in the hunt for AF 447.
“We discovered that the currents went every which way,” said Troadec.
Even if the wreckage was to be found in the deep ocean, only a “small club of people” could contemplate reaching the site, according to Gallo, who reckons the search effort on the surface is equally daunting, given that the Boeing wide-body had enough fuel keep flying for at least another 2,500 miles.
“Usually by this point there’s some trace of something to go on, but we have none of that,” he said. “Every night I go to sleep thinking there’ll be new, fresh leads in the morning, but things only seem to go backwards. It seems impossible.”
~ Bloomberg
Sumber: (http://darisungaiderhaka.blogspot.com/2014/03/mh370-lokasi-terakhir-dikesan-di-barat.html)
[TERKINI] Tiba-tiba Kapten Zaharie Menjadi Orang Yang Disyaki Rampas Pesawat!
Mungkinkah juruterbang rampas pesawat akibat kecewa Anwar bersalah kes Liwat II?
Dengan pelbagai spekulasi mengenai kehilangan pesawat Malaysia Airlines MH370, akhbar Daily Mail melaporkan kemungkinan teori pesawat tersebut dirampas sebagai protes terhadap keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan yang mensabitkan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim bersalah atas tuduhan meliwat bekas pembantunya, Saiful Bukhari Azlan.
Akhbar Britian itu mendedahkan, beberapa jam sebelum berlepas dengan pesawat Boeing 777-200ER (9M-MRO) untuk ke Beijing, Kapten Zaharie Ahmad Shah pergi ke mahkamah pada 7 Mac untuk menyatakan sokongan terhadap Anwar.
Ketua pembangkang itu dijatuhkan hukuman penjara lima tahun oleh Mahkamah Rayuan kerana meliwat bekas pembantunya pada 2008.
Akhbar tersebut turut memetik sumber polis yang mengesahkan Zaharie, 53, merupakan seorang aktivis yang lantang dan berkemungkinan kecewa dengan keputusan mahkamah.
Semalam, polis menyerbu rumah juruterbang berpengalaman itu di Laman Seri, Shah Alam yang mempunyai simulator penerbangan di rumah.
Daily Mail berkata, terlalu banyak masa dihabiskan menyiasat dua komputer riba yang diambil dari rumah Zaharie, yang dipercayai mengandungi data simulasi penerbangan, minggu lalu.
Akhbar tabloid itu melaporkan, meskipun pihak berkuasa Malaysia menafikan serbuan dilakukan di rumah Zaharie, dua komputer riba itu diambil semasa lawatan pihak polis awal minggu lalu.
Bagaimanapun, pihak berkuasa gagal mengesan komputer riba peribadi Zaharie dan dipercayai dibawa bersama dalam kokpit pesawat dalam penerbangan dari Kuala Lumpur ke Beijing, lapor Daily Mail.
Menurut rakan sekerja Zaharie, beliau merupakan seorang aktivis sosial dan penyokong kuat Anwar serta sangat berminat dengan politik.
Penyiasat memberitahu Daily Mail, mereka kini sedang mencari bukti mengaitkan teori pandangan politik Zaharie adalah sebahagian daripada faktor kontroversi kehilangan pesawat yang membawa 239 penumpang dan anak kapal pada 8 Mac.
"Siasatan ini banyak membabitkan sensiviti, namun kita harus meneruskan apa sahaja sudut yang menjadi perhatian," lapor Daily Mail memetik penyiasat itu.
Zaharie dipercayai berpisah atau bercerai dengan isterinya biarpun kini mereka masih berkongsi rumah yang sama.
Laporan itu seterusnya menyatakan bahawa serbuan ke atas rumah Zaharie itu dilihat sebagai tindakan susulan selepas pengumuman Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak pada sidang media khasnya semalam, yang mengatakan siasatan kini beralih dan tertumpu kepada kru pesawat berdasarkan petunjuk baru.
Menafikan bahawa terdapat unsur rampasan, Najib berkata, pesawat MH370 berpatah balik ke arah barat selaras dengan tindakan yang disengajakan oleh seseorang dalam kapal terbang itu.
Media antarabangsa itu memetik sumber risikan rasmi Amerika Syarikat yang menyatakan pesawat diterbangkan seorang pakar penerbangan dan hilang daripada radar pada 8 Mac.
Ia kemudiannya disusuli dengan siasatan semula ke atas semua 239 penumpang dan anak kapal pesawat itu bagi mencari jawapan termasuk dakwaan kemungkinan pesawat dirampas.
Daily Mail turut melaporkan kemungkinan pesawat itu terbang sehingga 45,000 kaki di mana ia melebihi had perkhidmatan, sebagai percubaan untuk tidak menyedarkan penumpang dan anak kapal. -TMI
Akhbar Britian itu mendedahkan, beberapa jam sebelum berlepas dengan pesawat Boeing 777-200ER (9M-MRO) untuk ke Beijing, Kapten Zaharie Ahmad Shah pergi ke mahkamah pada 7 Mac untuk menyatakan sokongan terhadap Anwar.
Ketua pembangkang itu dijatuhkan hukuman penjara lima tahun oleh Mahkamah Rayuan kerana meliwat bekas pembantunya pada 2008.
Akhbar tersebut turut memetik sumber polis yang mengesahkan Zaharie, 53, merupakan seorang aktivis yang lantang dan berkemungkinan kecewa dengan keputusan mahkamah.
Semalam, polis menyerbu rumah juruterbang berpengalaman itu di Laman Seri, Shah Alam yang mempunyai simulator penerbangan di rumah.
Daily Mail berkata, terlalu banyak masa dihabiskan menyiasat dua komputer riba yang diambil dari rumah Zaharie, yang dipercayai mengandungi data simulasi penerbangan, minggu lalu.
Akhbar tabloid itu melaporkan, meskipun pihak berkuasa Malaysia menafikan serbuan dilakukan di rumah Zaharie, dua komputer riba itu diambil semasa lawatan pihak polis awal minggu lalu.
Bagaimanapun, pihak berkuasa gagal mengesan komputer riba peribadi Zaharie dan dipercayai dibawa bersama dalam kokpit pesawat dalam penerbangan dari Kuala Lumpur ke Beijing, lapor Daily Mail.
Menurut rakan sekerja Zaharie, beliau merupakan seorang aktivis sosial dan penyokong kuat Anwar serta sangat berminat dengan politik.
Penyiasat memberitahu Daily Mail, mereka kini sedang mencari bukti mengaitkan teori pandangan politik Zaharie adalah sebahagian daripada faktor kontroversi kehilangan pesawat yang membawa 239 penumpang dan anak kapal pada 8 Mac.
"Siasatan ini banyak membabitkan sensiviti, namun kita harus meneruskan apa sahaja sudut yang menjadi perhatian," lapor Daily Mail memetik penyiasat itu.
Zaharie dipercayai berpisah atau bercerai dengan isterinya biarpun kini mereka masih berkongsi rumah yang sama.
Laporan itu seterusnya menyatakan bahawa serbuan ke atas rumah Zaharie itu dilihat sebagai tindakan susulan selepas pengumuman Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak pada sidang media khasnya semalam, yang mengatakan siasatan kini beralih dan tertumpu kepada kru pesawat berdasarkan petunjuk baru.
Menafikan bahawa terdapat unsur rampasan, Najib berkata, pesawat MH370 berpatah balik ke arah barat selaras dengan tindakan yang disengajakan oleh seseorang dalam kapal terbang itu.
Media antarabangsa itu memetik sumber risikan rasmi Amerika Syarikat yang menyatakan pesawat diterbangkan seorang pakar penerbangan dan hilang daripada radar pada 8 Mac.
Ia kemudiannya disusuli dengan siasatan semula ke atas semua 239 penumpang dan anak kapal pesawat itu bagi mencari jawapan termasuk dakwaan kemungkinan pesawat dirampas.
Daily Mail turut melaporkan kemungkinan pesawat itu terbang sehingga 45,000 kaki di mana ia melebihi had perkhidmatan, sebagai percubaan untuk tidak menyedarkan penumpang dan anak kapal. -TMI
Doomed airliner pilot was political fanatic: Hours before taking control of flight MH370 he attended trial of jailed opposition leader as FBI reveal passengers could be at a secret location
Police are investigating the possibility that the pilot of missing Flight MH370 hijacked his own aircraft in a bizarre political protest.
The Mail on Sunday has learned that Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah was an ‘obsessive’ supporter of
Malaysia’s opposition leader, Anwar Ibrahim. And hours before the doomed flight left Kuala Lumpur it is understood 53-year-old Shah attended a controversial trial in which Ibrahim was jailed for five years.
Campaigners say the politician, the key challenger to Malaysia’s ruling party, was the victim of a long-running smear campaign and had faced trumped-up charges.
>Police sources have confirmed that Shah was a vocal political activist – and fear that the court decision left him profoundly upset. It was against this background that, seven hours later, he took control of a Boeing 777-200 bound for Beijing and carrying 238 passengers and crew.
Yesterday, Malaysian police searched his house in the upmarket Kuala Lumpur suburb of Shah Alam,
where he had installed a home-made flight simulator. But this newspaper can reveal that investigators had already spent much of last week examining two laptops removed from Shah’s home. One is believed to contain data from the simulator
Confirming rising fears, Malaysia’s prime minister Najib Razak announced yesterday that MH370 was deliberately steered off course after its communication system was switched off. He said it headed west over the Malaysian seaboard and could have flown for another seven hours on its fuel reserves.
It is not yet clear where the plane was taken, however Mr Razak said the most recent satellite data suggests the plane could have been making for one of two possible flight corridors. The search, involving 43 ships and 58 aircraft from 15 countries, switched from the South China Sea to the Bay of Bengal in the Indian Ocean.
Data showing the number of plausible runways where the plane could have touched down - which need to be at least 5,000ft - offer a baffling number of potential locations.
Satellite data shows hijacked MH370 was last seen flying towards Pakistan OR Indian Ocean as investigators search pilots' luxury homes and reveal one had home-made flight simulator
Pilots who were flying missing Malaysian jet under police investigation amid fears the plane was hijacked by people with aviation training
U.S. says missing Malaysian jet could be 'act of PIRACY': Evidence shows plane changed direction and climbed thousands of feet 'under command of a pilot' after tracking devices were manually disabled
According to a map drawn up by U.S. radio station WNYC, there are 634 locations which could fit, from Australia to the Maldives to Pakistan.
However, the true number is likely to be even higher, as estimates of how far the plane could have travelled have been increased since the calculations were carried out.
US investigators say faint ‘pings’ were being transmitted for several hours after the flight lost contact with the ground.
Meanwhile, military radar showed the jet climbed to 45,000ft – above its service limit – which could have been a deliberate attempt to knock out the passengers and crew.
Anwar Ibrahim is a broadly popular democracy icon and former deputy prime minister whose prosecution on a charge of sodomy is seen by many Malaysians as political persecution.
The raids on Captain Shah’s home appeared stage-managed as a display of intent after the Prime Minister said the focus of the investigation was now on ‘crew and passengers’ as a result of the latest leads.
But investigators have told the Mail on Sunday inquiries into the background of the pilot actually began days earlier.
Malaysian police, helped by FBI agents from the US, are looking into the political and religious backgrounds of both Zaharie and his co-pilot. Zaharie’s home was sealed off yesterday as police spent an hour inside.
However, a senior investigation source said two laptops were taken from the property in low-key visits by police early last week despite a series of denials by officials that his home had been searched or raided.
One laptop taken away is thought to contain data from the flight simulator while a second contained little information. Zaharie’s personal laptop was not found, and is thought to have been with him in the cockpit of the plane, the source said.
Zaharie’s co-workers have told investigators the veteran pilot was a social activist who was vocal and fervent in his support of Ibrahim.
‘Colleagues made it clear to us that he was someone who held strong political beliefs and was strident in his support for Anwar Ibrahim,’ another investigation source said. ‘We were told by one colleague he was obsessed with politics.’
In their interviews, colleagues said Zaharie told them he planned to attend the court case involving Anwar on March 7, just hours before the Beijing flight, but investigators had not yet been able to confirm if he was among the crowd of Anwar supporters at court.
Zaharie is believed to be separated or divorced from his wife although they share the same house, close to Kuala Lumpur’s international airport. They have three children, but no family members were at home yesterday: only the maid has remained there.
Anwar Ibrahim is a broadly popular democracy icon and former deputy prime minister whose prosecution on a charge of sodomy is seen by many Malaysians as political persecution.
Campaigners say the politician, the key challenger to Malaysia’s ruling party, was the victim of a long-running smear campaign and had faced trumped-up charges.
Captain Shah, who is thought to have attended the trial in Putrajaya hours before flying, is thought to be incensed by the verdict.
Co-workers have told investigators the veteran pilot was a social activist who was vocal and fervent in his support of Ibrahim.
Investigators said: ‘We are looking into the theory that Zaharie’s political beliefs may be a factor. There are huge sensitivities surrounding this but we cannot afford not to pursue any angle brought to our attention.’
In the days after Flight MH370 disappeared, Zaharie was affectionately described as a good neighbour and an eccentric ‘geek’ who had a flight simulator at home simply because he loved his work so much.
Malaysian officials initially appeared keen not to direct any suspicion towards Zaharie or his co-pilot, 27-year-old Fariq Abdul Hamid, who was last week revealed to have invited two women passengers into the cockpit and smoked on an earlier flight to Phuket.
But evidence of the way the plane’s transponder and communication systems were disabled and the way the plane was expertly flown over the Indian Ocean apparently using navigational waypoints meant only a skilled aviator could have been at the controls. Investigators were also baffled by why, if hijackers took over the plane, there was no Mayday call or signal from the two pilots to say the cockpit had been breached.
At yesterday’s press conference, the suspicion over the pilot’s involvement mounted as prime minister Najib Razak said that investigators had found ‘deliberate action’ on board the plane resulted in it changing course and losing contact with ground crews.
As a result of the new information, Malaysian authorities had ‘refocused their investigation on crew and passengers aboard’, he said. Police sealed off the area surrounding Zaharie’s home and searched the house shortly after the press conference.
Mr Razak said the new satellite evidence shows ‘with a high degree of certainty’ that the one of the jet’s communications devices – the Aircraft and Communications Addressing and Reporting System was disabled just before it had reached the east coast of Malaysia. ACARS is a service that allows computers aboard the plane to relay in-flight information about the health of its systems back to the ground.
Shortly afterwards, near the cross-over point between Malaysian and Vietnamese air traffic controllers, the plane’s transponder, which emits an identifying signal, was switched off or, less likely, failed.
According to a military radar, the aircraft then turned and flew back over Malaysia before heading in a north-west direction.
A satellite was able to pick up a ‘ping’ from the plane until 08:11 local time, more than seven hours after it lost radar contact, although it was unable to give a precise location. Mr Razak went on to say that based on this new data, investigators ‘have determined the plane’s last communication with a satellite was in one of two possible corridors – north from the border of Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan through to northern Thailand, and south from Indonesia to the southern Indian Ocean.
If as suspected the plane was diverted into the Indian Ocean, the task of the search teams becomes more difficult, as there are hundreds of uninhabited islands and the water reaches depths of around 23,000ft.
Countries in the plane’s potential flightpath have now joined a huge effort to locate the missing passengers, but China described the revelation as ‘painfully belated’. And FBI investigators say the disappearance of MH370 may have been ‘an act of piracy’ and that the possibility that its hundreds of passengers are being held at an unknown location has not been ruled out.
Meanwhile, leading aviation lawyer James Healy–Pratt, who is helping relatives, said Malaysian Airlines had declined to buy Boeing’s Airplane Health Management system, which monitors systems in real time and could have alerted it to any potential problems, rather than having to recover a black box.
‘If the transponder was manually disabled then one can only hope that the black boxes were not also manually disabled,’ he said. ‘Otherwise, the truth will never be known.’
The revelations about Zaharie’s political affiliations are highly sensitive in a country where political dirty tricks are widespread.
One of the investigation sources said: ‘We are looking into the theory that Zaharie’s political beliefs may be a factor. There are huge sensitivities surrounding this but we cannot afford not to pursue any angle brought to our attention.’
Separately, a police source told the Mail on Sunday: ‘I can confirm our investigations include the political and religious leanings of both pilots.’
Zaharie joined Malaysia Airlines in 1981. He became a captain about ten years later and has clocked up 18,360 hours of flying experience. -dailymail
Did pilot hijack missing plane HIMSELF in anti-government protest? Fears over Captain Shah's links to Malaysian opposition
Fears emerged tonight that the pilot of the missing Malaysia Airlines jet may have hijacked the plane himself as an anti-government protest.
Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah was a fervent supporter of his country's opposition leader who was jailed for homosexuality - illegal in Malaysia - only hours before flight MH370 vanished with 239 passengers and crew on board, the Sunday Mirror can reveal.
And in a new twist, it emerged that the pilot's wife and three children moved out of the family's home the day before the plane's disappearance.
For all the latest on the disappearance of flight MH370 follow our live blog.
The revelations came after Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak yesterday confirmed the Boeing 777 jet was deliberately diverted from its planned route between his country's capital Kuala Lumpur and Beijing.
Investigators said trackers aboard the plane, which transmit its location to air traffic controllers, were disabled moments after take-off last Friday.
And the airliner could have flown on for seven hours after vanishing from radar over the South China Sea.
Police raided the pilot's home in the suburbs of Kuala Lumpur on Saturday.
They spent two hours at the gated property and left carrying small bags believed to contain evidence.
They also found that the experienced pilot, who has worked for Malaysia Airlines since 1981, had built a Boeing 777 flight simulator inside.
But his friend Peter Chong insisted Capt Zaharie, 53, would be "the last person" to hijack the aircraft.
He told the Sunday Mirror: "I would trust that man with my life. He loves people and being involved in something like that would hurt people. I would not believe he was involved in any way at all. If I went on a plane and was allowed the choice of a pilot, I would choose Captain Zaharie."
Mr Chong last saw his friend a week before the jet vanished. He said the two had agreed to meet up this week and that the pilot had been "his normal, cheerful self".
But now he has become a focus of the police investigation.
On Twitter and YouTube he has backed human rights groups and campaigners for internet freedom in Malaysia, which has strict Government controls.
Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim called activists on to the streets and Capt Zaharie has "liked" videos by Ibrahim posted on YouTube.
Ibrahim was sentenced to five years in jail on gay sex charges on March 7, provoking widescale condemnation across the country.
The jet vanished in the early hours of the 8th.
Experts say it could have crossed up to 14 countries and landed safely in Kazakhstan or crashed into the Indian Ocean.
Mr Chong, a political secretary to a Malaysian MP, described his friend as "a very caring person who puts people ahead of himself".
He said the pilot installed a mock-up of a 777 cockpit at his home only "to share his joy of flying with friends".
Capt Zaharie posted snaps of himself with the Boeing simulator on his Facebook page, along with another showing him brandishing a meat cleaver and holding a bowl of mince.
Mr Chong said Capt Zaharie would have done everything to ensure his 227 passengers were safe in the event of a hijack.
He was angry at suggestions the pilot could have "gone rogue" and hijacked his own plane.
Mr Chong said: "I just do not believe it until there is concrete evidence to prove otherwise. What I hope has happened is that it has been hijacked (by a passenger), landed somewhere and negotiations are going on."
Investigators believe someone with flying experience took the cockpit controls and steered Flight MH370 off its planned route.
A Malaysian government official said the hijacking theory was now "conclusive".
Radar tracks show the plane climbing and descending in unusual patterns, which should have alerted air traffic controllers that something was wrong.
MH370 flew to 45,000ft - almost 2,000ft above what Boeing says is its maximum recommended height - before descending to 23,000ft.
It changed course at least twice from its scheduled route - first to fly west back towards Malaysia and then north west into one of two air lanes used by commercial planes.
A total of 57 ships, 48 aircraft and 13 nations are taking part in the air and sea search .
Loaded with maximum fuel, a Boeing 777 plane can fly for 7,725 miles.
But aviation experts said it was unlikely it would have that much in the tanks for its scheduled flight path.
If MH370 flew through other countries' airspaces it should have triggered national air defences.
Flight Global's operations and safety editor David Learmount said: "If it has flown north, why have none of the countries it has flown over said anything?
"That's the thing that baffles me more than any other. They would have sent up aircraft to investigate. If it's gone south there's nothing there until you hit Antarctica."
Boeing 777s need a runway up to a mile long to land, making it unlikely it touched down safely on a remote Asian strip.
"I can't think which airfield it would be - and what would they do with the passengers?" said Mr Learmount.
Malaysian authorities have been criticised for keeping the possibility of a hijack secret for eight days.
Mr Learmount said their "total incompetence is unforgivable", and created more agony for families desperate for news.
Malaysian PM Razak said yesterday: "We can say with a high degree of certainty that the aircraft communications addressing and reporting system was disabled just before it reached the east coast of peninsular Malaysia.
"Shortly afterwards the aircraft's transponder was switched off.
"From this point onwards, the Royal Malaysian Air Force primary radar showed an aircraft believed to be MH370 did indeed turn back. It then flew in a westerly direction back over peninsular Malaysia before turning north west.
"These movements are consistent with deliberate action by someone on the plane." -mirror.co.uk

Mereka Tidak Boleh Menghina PM Negara Ini !!
Kesilapan tersebut bagaimanapun telah diperbetulkan. Jika dikaji dari sudut papan kekunci 'keyboard' kesilapan terebut boleh dianggap tidak munasabah kerana kedudukan huruf 's' dan 'b' sangat jauh sekali'
Bagaimanapun dari sudut pengetahuan penulis artikel tersebut, kesilapan tersebut boleh diterima akal kerana si penulis mungkin tidak mengetahui nama Perdana Menteri Malaysia itu dengan ejaan yang betul. Gendang Perang.
Sumber: ( http://atsixty-zakriali.blogspot.com/2014/03/mereka-tidak-boleh-menghina-pm-negara.html )
MH370 dan Anwar Ibrahim
Orang ni at Orang ni - 37 minutes ago
........... Anwar Ibrahim adalah ikon demokrasi secara meluas popular dan bekas Timbalan Perdana Menteri yang didakwaan atas tuduhan liwat dilihat oleh ramai rakyat Malaysia sebagai penganiayaan politik. Ahli politik mengatakan ianya kempen, pencabar utama untuk parti pemerintah Malaysia, (Anwar Ibrahim) adalah mangsa kempen memburuk-burukkan yang sudah lama berjalan dan telah menghadapi tuduhan yang direka-reka. *Kapten Shah, yang dianggap telah menghadiri perbicaraan dalam jam Putrajaya sebelum terbang, adalah dianggap marah dengan keputusan itu. * *Rakan sekerja telah membe... more »
Makin Berapi!!! Cabaran Pendekar Pahang Vs Raja Bomoh Sedunia.. Ini Videonya, Jom Terjah!!!
sahabat sedaka at SEDAKA Sejahtera™ - 52 minutes ago
-SUMBER Sinar harian... SHAH ALAM - Menteri Belia dan Sukan, Khairy Jamaluddin secara berseloroh berkata, "satu Malaysia" mahu menampar Raja Bomoh, Ibrahim Mat Zin ekoran perbuatannya yang "memalukan" negara. Kata-kata itu lahir dari mulut menteri muda ini sebagai respon kepada Raja Bomoh Sedunia Nujum VIP yang mahu menamparnya seperti buaya. KJ sebelum itu menyifatkan perbuatan Ibrahim sesuatu yang menjatuhkan maruah dan mencalar imej negara. "Dia sorang yang nak tampar saya...tapi saya rasa satu Malaysia nak tampar dia sebab malukan negara. "Perbuatan dia syirik, khurafat...say... more »
[TERKINI] Tiba-tiba Kapten Zaharie Menjadi Orang Yang Disyaki Rampas Pesawat!
greenboc at KELAB GREENBOC - 52 minutes ago
Mungkinkah juruterbang rampas pesawat akibat kecewa Anwar bersalah kes Liwat II? Dengan pelbagai spekulasi mengenai kehilangan pesawat Malaysia Airlines MH370, akhbar Daily Mail melaporkan kemungkinan teori pesawat tersebut dirampas sebagai protes terhadap keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan yang mensabitkan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim bersalah atas tuduhan meliwat bekas pembantunya, Saiful Bukhari Azlan. Akhbar Britian itu mendedahkan, beberapa jam sebelum berlepas dengan pesawat Boeing 777-200ER (9M-MRO) untuk ke Beijing, Kapten Zaharie Ahmad Shah pergi ke mahkamah pada 7 Mac untuk menyata... more »
Zahid Hamidi Kawan Bomoh 1Malaysia - VVIP UMNO Guna Khidmat Bomoh.
Soz Cyili at Ameno World - 58 minutes ago
Ini la pengakuan dia sendiri. Bukan pengakuan orang lain. Jika UMNO dan Zahid Hamidi rasa kena fitnah dan sebagainya dipersilakan untuk beri respon balas terhadap kenyataan ini. Jika nak nafikan ke nak mengaku ke apa ke lantak korang la. Pokoknya jika Zahid Hamidi tak nafikan maka kita anggap kata2 bomoh ini benarlah. Iaitu dia kawan kepada Zahid Hamidi dan sememangnya banyak VVIP UMNO yang
[Gambar] Paku Kepala Sendiri
Maysia Tayadih at DUNIACACAMARBA (DCM) - 1 hour ago
[HM] Fujian: Seorang lelaki yang mendakwa memaku kepalanya sendiri dengan tiga paku berukuran 10 sentimeter terpaksa menjalani pembedahan mengeluarkan paku itu dari tempurung kepalanya. Lelaki berusia 69 tahun dan berasal dari wilayah Fujian itu dikejarkan ke hospital selepas kejadian itu dan menjalani rawatan sejak hujung tahun lalu. Dia yang mendakwa melakukan perkara itu sendiri dan merayu pihak hospital tidak melaporkan kecederaannya itu kepada polis. Doktor percaya perkara itu dilakukan orang lain ke atasnya memandangkan kecederaan yang dialami. GAMBAR dari sinar-X menunjuk... more »
Mereka Tidak Boleh Menghina PM Negara Ini !!
atsixty at ZAKRI ALI - 1 hour ago
MH370 Portal Berita Luar Negara Silap Tulis PM Najib sebagai PM Najis? *Sebuah portal berita bahasa Indonesia telah tersilap menulis nama PM Malaysi sebagai PM Najis dalam artikel yang bertajuk " Ini pernyataan Lengkap PM Najis Fakta baru MH370"Kesilapan tersebut bagaimanapun telah diperbetulkan. Jika dikaji dari sudut papan kekunci 'keyboard' kesilapan terebut boleh dianggap tidak munasabah kerana kedudukan huruf 's' dan 'b' sangat jauh sekali'Bagaimanapun dari sudut pengetahuan penulis artikel tersebut, kesilapan tersebut boleh diterima akal kerana si penulis mungkin tidak men... more »
Ceramah Pakatan Rakyat Pun Ada Bintang Rock??
Assistant at Tempayan Retak - 1 hour ago
Kata-kata "Biasalah konsert PR.. tidak ada yang mati kerana dadah.. konsert tajaan UMNO oleh anak tokay MYDIN .. 6 org mati kerana dadah.." Itu kata-kata yang dibangkitkan kepada saya apabila saya bertanyakan pasal konsert bintang rock Ceramah Pakatan Rakyat di Stadium Kajang semalam. Jawapan ini sebenar hampir dan menepati sama apabila ditanya tentang konsert rock pada Muktamar PAS yang lalu. Ini adalah untuk dakwah. Kita mula dengan solat jamaah dan tazkirah daripada Ustaz Abu Bakar Chik.. itu kata-kata nak menghalalkan perbuatan yang sudah pasti kalau dibahas tidak banyak menda... more »
Pelajar Trauma Diliwat 4 Pelajar Senior
Maysia Tayadih at DUNIACACAMARBA (DCM) - 1 hour ago
[SH] KUALA PILAH – Seorang pelajar berusia 15 tahun trauma selepas diliwat empat pelajar tingkatan lima yang menuntut di sekolah yang sama dekat sini. Ketua Polis Daerah Kuala Pilah, Superintendan Azmi Abdul Rahim berkata, penjaga mangsa berusia 34 tahun yang bertugas sebagai pengawal keselamatan hanya mengetahui kejadian itu setelah dimaklumkan pihak sekolah. Menurutnya, dia yang terkejut apabila mengetahui anak tirinya diliwat bertindak membuat laporan polis pada 13 Mac jam 3.15 petang. “Kejadian liwat itu berlaku sebanyak tiga kali sejak pertengahan Februari dan kali terakhir p... more »
Que Achmad at Que Achmad menulis... - 1 hour ago
*[EKSKLUSIF] CINTA SEORANG SUAMI (BUKAN CINTA BIASA) | Kisah Nyata Kisah Benar | *Kisah benar dari seberang… cukup memberi kesan pada jiwa. Dilihat dari usia beliau sudah tidak muda lagi, usia yang sudah senja bahkan sudah mendekati malam. *baca lagi klik TAJUK ENTRI ni* Masa Pak Suyatno, 58 tahun ke sehariannya diisi dengan menjaga isterinya yang sakit. isterinya juga sudah tua. Mereka berkahwin sudah lebih 32 tahun Mereka dikurniakan 4 orang anak …….disinilah awal cubaan menerpa, setelah isterinya melahirkan anak ke empat ………tiba-tiba kakinya lumpuh dan tidak boleh digerakkan. Ha... more »
MH370: Lokasi terakhir dikesan di barat Perth lapor Bloomberg
Anak Sungai Derhaka at Anak Sungai Derhaka - 1 hour ago
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