StartupsThe Richest Man In Malaysia “Sugar King” Gives Back To The People With His Final Project
by Kaya Yurieff @kyurieff
Friday, September 7, 2018
We all know that Robert Kuok, known as the “Sugar King”, is the richest person in Malaysia from his success in the sugar industry. Despite ungratefulness and wrong doing by the Malay Government, Kuok has helped the government tremendously in the last few decades.
His contributions to the Malay civilization and government assistance have gone unmatched in the last 20 years, and at age 93 he has quietly executed a plan to give financial control back to the people of Malaysia with a $100 million investment into his latest company Traders Education.
This is his dying wish.
The Sugar King’s last wish on this planet is to make Malaysian people wealthier than any country in the world which will give decision making back to the people since that is where funding for all government programs inevitably comes from.
To carry this plan out, Kuok created Traders Education and hired a non-Malay tech CEO named David Richmond to run his greatest contribution to civilization in his absence.
He has claimed to have hired Richmond because, “he cannot be influenced by the Malaysian government since he is not a citizen”. In a direct quote from Kuok, he described why he chose to carry this opportunity out for the people of Malaysia: “The key to success in life is preparation and timing.
Sadly, this will really be the only opportunity in history that will give the average person in Malaysia access to building true wealth and happiness. I feel that despite all my accomplishments, this is my purpose on Earth. I know that I was born to create this system. Being the Sugar King simply lead me here.”
Before we go into details of what Traders Education is and how this new platform works, let’s explain some world financial statistics from the last decade.
The wealthiest 1% in the world are currently in control of $286 trillion dollars, which is enough to give every single person in Malaysia a cool 6 figure check of over $100,000 every month for the rest of their lives. Since most of this wealth is being traded by Wall Street daily, theoretically it can all be taken back and redistributed at any time.
Robert Kuok has created an exclusive system that does just that! He and Richmond have developed an investing algorithmic system that outsmarts any Wall Street trader by analyzing the last 5 years of successful trades.
Based on their investments research, they have created the most comprehensive online trading course. And the best part? Currently it is profiting average Malaysians between $5,200 - $13,000 per month!
Traders Education provides users with a step by step online training and they found that this is the most effective way to learn how to make money from investments and trading. They also have a team of professional instructors with many years of expereince in the industry.
We interviewed CEO of Traders Education, David Richmond, so that he can better explain how Traders Education works.
“Traders Education provides users with a step by step online training and we found that this is the most effective way to learn how to make money from investments and trading. We also have a team of professional instructors with many years of expereince in the industry, ready to guide our new students!"
How easy is it for someone to follow Traders Education?
“Very easy! We are dedicated to keeping it real simple our informative, 100% confusion-free investing courses make learning fun and easy (and actually help our students to make money online!)
How much money can an ordinary Traders Education user earn?
“It depends heavily on their skills and their risk appetite. An average student of ours will make profits of between $5,200 - $13,000 per month”
Has it ever happened that a student has lost his or her investment?
“No, it has never happened that a user has lost his invested capital. Even in the worst cases, profit was always made.”
How much will it cost to join Traders Education system?
“We don’t know yet. But first 1,000 spots will be free. After that, for regular users, we are thinking of charging $1,500.00 monthly. We do not want to disrupt the stock market too much so spots will be limited to 10,000 new students.”
After the interview, Richmond’s team gave us a sneak peek of the Traders Education courses. We were shocked. After a quick tutorial and step by step guide, we just followed exactly what the course said, and we made a profit of $1,061.87! We can’t wait for the course to start doing PR, to be fully released to the public. Robert Kuok, Richmond and their team have promised that CNN will be the first to know, so keep your eyes open.
We also interviewed Toon Vandamme, a trader who traded amounts up to 6 digits, who tried the course himself. He gladly explained to us the simple steps on how he started his trading career and how he realized his first earnings.
The first step was fairly simple - he had to enter some information such as first name, last name, e-mail address and telephone number. After the form was forwarded, he was contacted by a Traders Education representative, who guided him exactly how to get started. Everything looked pretty simple there.
The next step was to log in and start going through the step by step guide. Again, when he faced difficulties, he just contacted his representative, and everything was explained to him in a very clear and simple manner. He began studying the step by step guide, and with the help of his representative, he started making his first few traders, and already resulted in a profit of $2,593.68 in just 1 day!
We can’t wait for the software to go live. This will change lives of millions of people. Sometimes the things that seem too good to be true, are actually true.
The incredible thing has just happened. David has just notified us that Traders Education is live!They are accepting first 1,000 members free of charge for life. He is even offering a special bonus to the first 1,000 members who create an account with the Traders Education representatives. This is literally free money! As of writing this, there are 937 spots left, but it won’t be long before all the spots are filled up with this once in a lifetime opportunity, so hurry up. Click the link below to sign up now.
First published Friday, September 7, 2018
Tohloria Lewis
I've been trading with Traders Education for the last few weeks and made a small profit of $2,300. I'm loving it!
Reply. 13 . Like . 12 minutes ago
Tanya Porquez
I saw Traders Education on the project and sign up yesterday, I'm up around $25.
Reply. 6 . Like . 13 minutes ago
Jennifer Jackson Mercer
A friend of mine used it and recommended it, I'll look into it.
Reply. 19 . Like . 25 minutes ago
Michael Cash
It is giving me a better return on investment than my stock portfolio!
Reply. Like . 46 minutes ago
David Barrott
It is so easy to use, you just deposit money and the robot does all the work for you.
Reply. 43 . Like . about an hour ago
Amanda Gibson
I saw this on the news. Thank you for sharing this article!
Reply. 3 . Like . 1 hour ago
Julie Keyse
I've heard so much about bitcoin and everybody was using it, I'm going to give this a try!
Reply. Like . 2 hours ago
Peter Williams
I've made over $1,430 after just a week, I'm so close to leaving my job and doing this full time.
Reply. 12 . Like . 2 hours ago
Kirsten Bauman Riley
I bought my first bitcoin yesterday and I'm really excited to see what this can do for me over the coming days.
Reply. 30 . Like . 2 hours ago
Celia Kilgard
worked for me! It worked just like I thought it would. It was easy enough and I just want others to know when something works.
Reply. 53 . Like . 2 hours ago
Alanna 'martin' Payne
Thanks for the info, just started using the platform.
Reply. 16 . Like . 2 hours ago
Logan Chang
Been so busy with my kids lately, but this fits in just fine. I've traded up around $190 in 4 days. It's small, but a really good start!
Reply. 2 . Like . 2 hours ago
Mark Fadlevich
I've been so impressed by this, I've deposited over $500 into my account so far and made back more than 4 times that amount.
Reply. 11 . Like . 2 hours ago
Ashley O'Brien Berlin
Really easy to use and really fast. I'm not really a technical person, but I got the hang of this easy. It has made me around $130 after just a day!!
Reply. 33 . Like . 2 hours ago
Jonathan Jackson
My friend just e-mailed me this, a friend at work had told her about it. i guess it works really well
Reply. 6 . Like . 3 hours ago
Travis Wilson Hodge
Telling all my friends about this, thanx for the info
Reply. 2 . Like . 3 hours ago
Dean Phongsa
Wasn't sure about signing up, but I am so glad I did. I've made like $89 after just 2 hours on the platform. Really easy and really fast, nothing could be simplier
Reply. 17 . Like . 4 hours ago
Molly Murley Davis
I've gone ahead and made my initial deposit. I can't wait to get started and see what happens.
Reply. 8 . Like . 6 hours ago
Jenna Ponchot Bush
This would have to be the easiest way to invest in bitcoin ever, even I was able to do it with virtually no previous experience in the area.
Reply. 20 . Like . 8 hours ago
Kyle Miranda
I have tried so much of this kind of stuff, in one sense I want to try it but in the back of my mind I am thinking, yeah right!! Someone please reassure me it works.
Reply. 10 . Like . 8 hours ago
Tom Bergheger
I tried the platform thing a while ago and it worked pretty good for me.
Reply. 13 . Like . 8 hours ago
Eitan Silver
A few of my friends had invested in bitcoin and made an absolute killing do it, I'm going to be joining them soon.
Reply. 3 . Like . 8 hours ago
Gotmy Mindframe Right
Had no idea you could get results like this, does anybody know if you can invest in other crypto currencies.
Reply. 5 . Like . 9 hours ago
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