Rabu, 31 Oktober 2018

Solat Istisqa’. 8567.

Pemimpin Taliban Seru Rakyat Afghanistan Shalat Istisqa’ Rabu, 31 Oktober 2018 08:07 
Foto: Mullah Haibatullah Akhunzadah, pemimpin Taliban 
KIBLAT.NET, Kabul – Pemimpin Imarah Islam Afghanistan (Taliban), Haibatullah Akhunzadah, Selasa (30/10), menyeru umat Islam Afghanistan menggelar Shalat Istisqa’ atas bencana kekeringan yang menimpa Negara itu. Kekeringan telah mengancam gagal panen dan matinya hewan ternak.

“Kami wasiatkan kepada seluru warga untuk menggelar Shalat Istisqa’ dan meminta hujan,” kata Akhunzadah dalam taujihnya kepada rakyat Afghanistan yang dipublikasikan melalui Channel Telegram.

Ia juga mengimbau rakyat untuk banyak beristighfar dan bertaubat. Karena kedua hal tersebut termasuk penyebab turunnya hujan seperti disebutkan dalam QS. Hud: 52.
Kelaparan dan kekeringan, imbuhnya, merupakan ujian dari Allah kepada para hambanya. Bencana ini juga pernah dialami oleh Rasullah dan para sahabatnya di tahun enam hijriyah.

Kemudian, Rasullah memerintahkan umat Islam menggelar Shalat Istisqa’. Mereka memohon dengan merendahkan diri dan menggelar shalat dua rekaat berjamaah serta memperbanyak istighfar dan taubat sampai kemudian Allah menurunkan hujan.

Ia menjelaskan bahwa saat ini Negara Afghanistan kita dan Negara tetangga mengalami kekerangan dan kelaparan. Tak ada air untuk ladang dan sawah. 

Kekeringan telah mengancam ternak dan sawah. Orang-orang dan hewan mengalami banyak persoalan akibat hujan tidak turun dan kekeringan.

“Untuk itu, umat Islam harus memperhatikan seluruh syarat Istisqa, memperbanyak taubat dan istighfar dan menundukkan diri pada Allah sampai Allah memberi rahmatnya, menurunkan hujan yang menumbuhkan tumbuhan dan mengairi ternak,” tutupnya.

BACA JUGA  Kembali Seru Boikot Pemilu, Taliban: Pemilu Tak Sesuai Islam dan Budaya

Sumber: El-Emaraa
Redaktur: Sulhi El-Izzi
Pemimpin Taliban Seru Rakyat Afghanistan Shalat Istisqa'





Muhammad, Hakim Pakistan Tuai Protes Keras Rabu, 31 Oktober 2018 17:05
Foto: Hakim Agung Pakistan Saqib Nisar.
KIBLAT.NET, Islamabad – Pengadilan Pakistan membatalkan hukuman mati terhadap wanita Kristen Asia Bibi dalam kasus penodaan agama pada Rabu (31/10/2018). Hakim Agung Saqib Nisar, yang membacakan putusan itu, mengatakan Bibi bisa bebas dari penjara di Sheikupura, dekat Lahore dengan segera jika tidak terlibat kasus lain.

Pada tahun 2010, wanita berusia 40 tahun itu divonis hukuman gantung dan denda $1.100. Kasusnya bermula tahun 2009, ketika Bibi terlibat pertikaian dengan sekelompok petani di Sheikhupura, hingga ia berkata kepada mereka, “Saya percaya pada agama saya dan Yesus Kristus, yang mati di kayu salib untuk dosa manusia. Apa yang Nabi Muhammadmu lakukan untuk menyelamatkan umat manusia?”

Polisi memulai penyelidikan tentang pernyataan itu setelah timbul reaksi dari masyarakat. Bibi kemudian ditangkap dan dijerat UU Penodaan Agama berdasarkan Bagian 295 C dari KUHP Pakistan dan dipenjara selama lebih dari setahun sebelum didakwa secara resmi. Vonis hukuman gantung terhadap Bibi ditangguhkan setelah pihak keluarga dan pengacara mengajukan banding pada 2015, hingga putusan itu akhirnya dicabut.
Kelompok Tehreek-e-Labaik (TLP) mengutuk keras keputusan hakim untuk membebaskan Bibi. Pemimpin partai mengatakan bahwa hakim dan semua pihak yang terlibat dalam putusan tersebut pantas mati dan menyerukan pemecatan mereka.

“Kepala pelindung TLP, Muhammad Afzal Qadri, telah mengeluarkan dekrit yang mengatakan bahwa hakim agung dan semua orang yang memerintahkan pembebasan Asia pantas mati,” kata juru bicara partai Ejaz Ashrafi.

BACA JUGA  Penodaan Agama Terus Terjadi karena Lemahnya Penegakan Hukum

TLP kemudian meluncurkan aksi protes turun ke jalan di kota-kota besar untuk mengutuk putusan tersebut.
Sumber: Arab News, The New York Post
Redaktur: Ibas Fuadi

Cabut Hukuman Mati Penista Nabi Muhammad, Hakim Pakistan Tuai Protes Keras - Kiblat




Insulting Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) In Europe Can Land A Person In Jail   
Insulting Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is now punishable in Europe. If anyone utters anything bad about Prophet Muhammad PBUH then he is going to jail!

The Integrity Foundation for Humanitarian and Human Rights (Hayat Haq) has articulated its backing for the verdict of the European Court of Human Rights, which measured that insulting Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) does not come under the agenda of freedom of speech.

The Integrity Foundation told in a declaration that “the European Court’s verdict strengthens the liberty and rights of spiritual belief, one of the pillars of liberty in self-governing societies ruled by law”.\

On Thursday, the European Court of Human Rights governed that “insulting the Prophet Muhammad – PBUH – does not come under the freedom of speech, and reflected that the conviction of an Austrian law court for a woman blamed of insulting the Holy Prophet does not disrupt the right to freedom of speech, nor Chapter X of the European Charter of Human Rights”.

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The Integrity Foundation clarified that the verdict of the European Court comes in the setting of reassuring the guard of and admiration for the religious emotional state of Muslims and roles chiefly to promote civic peace.

The Foundation illustrated that the European Court “has vacant the difference between the right to freedom of speech and what is careful a violation of this right and the misuse of spiritual feelings of people and communities”.

The judgment of the European Court of Human Rights came in the backing of a legal reigning issued in Austria in 2009 in contradiction of an Austrian woman who the local courts fined €480 ($548), in adding to lawsuit charges, for the insulting of Prophet Muhammad.

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Source: DW Akademie
Insulting Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) In Europe Can Land A Person In Jail

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    According to Prophet Muhmmad (PBUH), This Is How Dajjal Will Look!   
    Dajjal, also known as the “false messiah” or “the liar”. Every Muslim in the world believes that he will create a great destruction by his lies and powers!

    Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is always considered as the most intellectual and the knowledgeable person in the whole world. He talked a lot about this false messiah, which is also known as Dajjal. The westerners know this as “Anti-Christ”, who will create havoc all around the world with his deception. 

    According to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Dajjal will come out before Judgement day, like in last days of earth. Dajjal’s motive will be to sabotage the people of Allah from the religion Islam. He will try to make these believers follow his path which leads to Jahannum!

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    Jewism, as well as Christianity, also believes that he will arrive in the final days! and in Islam, the arrival of False Messiah is one of the major signs. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), made it very clear for all of us that how Dajjal will look like!
    Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said that he will be blind with one eye. Furthermore stated that it will be like floating (Shaking), but not staying at one place. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said that the skin color of Dajjal will be Reddy White (Like English and Irish people).

    Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said that Dajjal would have a prominent forehead and an abnormally wide neck. His height will be shorter! He would have a hunch in his back but still, he would be very powerful. He would be able to walk, but not like a normal person.

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    He will be having curly long hair, and they will look like snakes handing from his head. Dajjal will never have the ability to make children, he will be sterile. Dajjal, will be a man, not a woman.

    Lastly, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) stated, that he will have the word “KAAFIR” between his eyebrows and forehead. The people of Allah, people who are following Islam will be able to see it clearly while others won’t be able to see it.

    Let’s pray that Allah keeps all of us safe from this satanic fitnah. Share and spread this information in your circle.

    According to Prophet Muhmmad (PBUH), This Is How Dajjal Will Look!

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